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Soraru sighed as he laid on his bed, tired after going through preparations for the ball. I just want to sleep...

The siblings had come to Outworld and stayed for awhile as they had to get ready for the ball. They had to relearn the formalities and stuff that the raven-haired didn't really bother paying attention to. The principal knows so they were able to be excused from school so they didn't have to worry about that. It had been a tiresome couple of days for the three males.

The others were back in the human world, occasionally coming to visit them. Now it was either Eve or Sou, who quickly learned how to use his newfound powers, that would bring them here when they were available.

"Niichan, I'm tired~" Sakata whined as he entered the room and flopped on the bed.

"So am I." Senra followed suit as he joined the other two on the bed.

"We've been practicing how to do things formally for like six days straight, can't we just rest?"

"Ask mom and dad...." Soraru tiredly replied as the other two groaned.

"Why does eating or walking suddenly have to be so complicated?" Senra complained as he remembered how their instructor scolded them for their posture.

"Who knew being a prince would be this hard.." Sakata mumbled while the raven-haired just sighed at their complaining.

"Obviously we'd have to act formal."

"But not that extreme...."

"Now that I think about it," Senra sat up as he looked at the other two with a questioning look, "are we even going to be allowed to go anywhere during the ball?"

"Probably not." Soraru answered, the blonde just frowned at the response.

"You just want to go off to be alone with Shima~" Sakata gave the male a teasing grin.

"Same could be said for you and Urata." Senra muttered to himself, resulting getting hit in the face by a pillow.

"Oi, don't throw my pillows."

"You three sure are lively." Aihi said as the three males turned their heads to look at her.

"Mom~ can we ditch the ball?" Sakata pleadingly asked while the raven-haired rolled his eyes.

The queen just laughed at the redhead's plead, no matter what he is still childish. A warm smile painted her face as she responded to the redhead's question.

"Your father would want you guys to stay and talk to the guest but I can tell you'd rather be with your friends and partners." She laughed again at their red faces.

"I'll allow that you guys can go off to wherever you want, just as long as you remember to either stay close enough or if you sense something wrong then to come back here." Aihi gave them each a small kiss on the forehead before beginning to leave the room, "but you still have to be there for the introduction and beginning part of the ball."

"Okay." The three replied as they watched their mother leave.

"Yes~ we don't have to stick around~" Sakata cheerfully said.

"I'm just happy we don't have to stand around and talk to others." Soraru happily said as he flopped back on his bed, "well I'm going to sleep now."

"Eh? But–"

"My princes, your friends are here." A maid announced as she gave the three a small smile before bowing and walking away.

"So much for your sleep." Senra said in amusement while the raven-haired groaned.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now