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"So when exactly is the ball?" Kashitaro asked the three princes as they walked around the town to kill some time. The others decided to stay over the princes' house after coming back from Outworld and had nothing to do at the moment.

"Mom and Dad said next week–"

"Wait, when did they say that?"

The others just sighed at the raven-haired and redhead's confusion. I expected that from Sakata, but not Soraru.... Senra laughed a bit at how the raven-haired could be forgetful at times.

"If you paid attention then you would've heard it." Urata said to the two males, Sakata just sheepishly laughed while Soraru rolled his eyes.

"I was busy thinking about this pendant," Soraru held the object in his hand, "about why they decided to give it to me now."

"Probably forgot to give it to you back then." Kashitaro suggested, Soraru just gave him an uncertain look.

"I'm sure we'll find out why some time later." Luz said as the others nodded their head.

"Can't we just stay in Outworld forever~" Amatsuki whined, "so we no longer have to go to school or deal with things and I can play with Masume~"

"Yeah sure and have people wonder why we just suddenly disappeared with no trace." Soraru sarcastically said, causing the red eyed brunette to pout.

"Mafu~ your boyfriend is being mean~"

"This is for all the times you've teased me." Mafu muttered, resulting in another whine from Amatsuki.

"Well, at least it isn't the type of ball where you have to find someone to marry or such," Shima stated as he gave the males a teasing smile, "because you already found your special someone~"

"Hey Shima, shut up." Soraru said as the purple-haired laughed.

"He's not one to laugh, the same can be said for him." Sakata grinned as he saw Shima blush a bit.

"Well, everyone will eventually remember us and we can have more people around to protect us." Senra stated, Nqrse nervously looked between the guys.

"I still think it isn't a good idea..."

"Why's that?" Luz asked his boyfriend, "their parents think it's safe for them now."

"Maybe I'm just overthinking this," Nqrse muttered to himself before waving at the guys as they approached the school gates, "see ya guys later, I'm going to find Eve and Hana to tell them about it."

"Wait for me~" Luz eagerly ran to catch up to the pink haired male.

"And there they go." Kashitaro playfully said as the others chuckled.

"Luz is like an obedient dog that doesn't leave his owners side~" Sakata jokingly said, the short brunette quietly muttered under his breath.

"Reminds me of someone else."

"Eh? What's that suppose to mean?" Sakata exclaimed as he pouted at the green eyed brunette.

"It means that you're also a dog." Urata pinched the redhead's cheeks, a playful smirk on his face.

"O-Ow, l-let go of my cheek~"

"Aw~ Urata's acting sweet, how cute~" Yuuto giggled at how quickly Urata let go of the redhead's cheek and glared at him.

"And now he's back to his usual tsundere self." Shima said, the short brunette gave him an annoyed smile.

"Hey Shima, shut up."

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now