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The guys had been following the pink haired female around the castle. They were intimidated by how big it was. Workers and servants would occasionally stop them to bow or chat with the three males.

"I'm surprised people like Soraru despite his personality." Kashitaro joked as the raven-haired glared at him.


"Www Soraru is likable once you get to know him more~" Mafu hugged the male as he smiled.

"How gross."

"Www and what a tsundere-like response."

"I think I'm going to puke from all of this sweetness." Yuuto stated as he chuckled.

"Hey, are those their rooms?" Shima pointed to the three doors at the end of the hall.

"Yep. I'm surprised you could tell, you're sometimes an idiot like Sakata."


"They each had their own room?" Luz asked as the pink haired female nodded her head.

"Though Sakata or Senra would sometimes go to Soraru's room whenever they couldn't sleep well."

"Aw~ how cute~" Amatsuki cooed as the two males blushed in embarrassment.

"Soraru's room was the closest to them and they didn't want to disturb their parents."

"So Soraru was always a caring brother~" Mafu teased as the raven-haired rolled his eyes.

"Oi, I'm not friends with you guys just so you can tease me."

"Www well too bad~ that's the downside of being friends with us." Mafu playfully said as the raven-haired rolled his eyes again.

"Bye now

"Www you know going on your own wouldn't do any good." Luz said as the raven-haired sighed.


"Can we check out the rooms?" Sakata asked as the pink haired female shrugged.

"Sure, just don't ruin it."

"Why do you even want to check them out?" Urata asked the redhead, who smiled brightly.

"I'm just curious to see if the rooms are just as expensive looking as the rest of the castle~"

"I wouldn't be surprised if the rooms had a giant ass fancy bathroom." Shima stated as the pink haired female rolled her eyes.

"The rooms aren't that extravagant. You guys never liked having big, fancy rooms so yours just look like regular ones."

"I'm sure someone wants to check out the rooms because—"

A vine wrapped around Yuuto's mouth, stopping the male from talking. But the guys could see the grin and amusement in his eyes.

"Shut up." Urata threatened as he glared at the teal-haired.

Nqrse opened the door to the blonde's room, allowing them to enter. It wasn't as big as they imagined, but it was big enough to show that they were wealthy.

"The rooms are pretty high up." Sou commented as he looked out of the window.

"Don't make Soraru or Urata look down or else they'll get scared." Kashitaro teased, the two males gave him a displeased look.

"Yeah the rooms are on a higher level, and this idiot here would always climb up to the window whenever he came to visit Senra." Hana gestured to the purple-haired, who frowned at her comment.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now