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Senra and Shima arrived at the spot they had planned to meet up in. They saw that the others were already there, Senra noticed that the red eyed brunette was holding a sheep-like creature in his arms.

"Eh? What's that?" Senra asked as the male grinned widely.

"It's name is Masamune and isn't it the cutest thing you've ever seen~?" Amatsuki said as he hugged the creature, who made a small noise out of delight.

"He decided to become its owner and take it with him." Kashitaro said as the others sighed at the red eyed brunette's action.

"You literally took in a wild animal?" Soraru said as he rose his eyebrow in amusement.

"Hey, if Urata can have a tanuki as a pet then I can have one too." Amatsuki reasoned as the short brunette rolled his eyes.

"But Yamadanuki is a tanuki, not some weird mythical creature." Urata stated as the red eyed brunette pretended to look offended at the comment

"How dare you call Masamune weird."

The short brunette rolled his eyes again while Amatsuki giggled, hugging the sheep-like animal. Shima looked at the others with a teasing grin on his face.

"So how were your dates~"

The ten of them all blushed at the purple-haired's comment. Urata and Soraru glared at him while the others looked away.

"H-How about you talk about your date with Senra?!?" Amatsuki retorted as the purple-haired lightly blushed.

"As a matter of fact it wasn't a date." Senra said as the purple-haired inwardly frowned.

"Shima seems to think otherwise." Sakata quietly muttered, the blonde didn't hear him well and just tilted his head.

"Eh? What'd you say Sakata?"


"Where's Hana, didn't she say to meet her here?" Shima asked as the others shrugged.

"I figured she'd already be here," Nqrse said before spotting the pink haired female, "speaking of her."

"Eh? I thought you'd guys would take longer so I went to look at something." Hana said as she approached them.

"Why would we take longer?" Kashitaro asked as the female tapped her chin with her finger.

"Because you guys got lost, you guys got lost, or you guys got lost." Hana said as the others rolled their eyes.

"Well we didn't get lost." Eve said before noticing the others sheepish expressions.

"You guys did get lost." Hana said in a monotone voice as she sighed.

"Look, in our defense this place is huge." Luz stated as the albino nodded his head.

"Yeah, the forest look all the same. We were walking around it for a while before realizing that we were just going in circles." Mafu said as the raven-haired gave him a deadpanned look.

"I told you where we needed to go, you were the one that decided to go off the path and cause us to walk in circles." Soraru stated as the albino sheepishly laughed.

Hana saw the sheep-like creature in the red eyed brunette's arms. She rose her eyebrow as she gave the male a deadpanned look.


"What, Masamune is adorable~ plus it seems to like me." Amatsuki said as he grinned.

"You know you won't be able to take it back to the human world, right?"

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now