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"Hurry up Soraru!" A redhead shouted loudly as the blonde next to him covered his ears.

"Don't be so loud Sakata." The blonde scolded the younger as they heard footsteps come closer.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't have to yell at me." The third member said as he made his way towards the two by the front door.

The three males lived together in a small house by themselves. It was big enough to fit these three, somewhat chaotic, teens. Soraru was able to pay for it with the help of a kind neighbor, who would sometimes drop by to help them whenever they needed it.

"I just don't want to be late to school.......again." Sakata said as he avoided the blonde's judging look.

"Just remember not to accidentally use your powers okay guys?" The raven-haired reminded the other two.

"We know, we know. We're not little kids anymore." Senra said as Soraru gave him a quizzical look.

"If I remember correctly one of you accidentally set one of the tables on fire."

Soraru narrowed his eyes at a certain redhead. Sakata looked away from his gaze and stared at the wall as if it was much more interesting.

"And another caused a power outage."

Senra whistled as he joined Sakata in staring at the wall. Soraru sighed, and these two are supposed to be mature at their age.

"B-But what about you? You almost flooded the bathroom because you were bored!" Sakata retorted as Soraru just kept a calm, neutral expression.

"I'm just saying that we need to be careful. You know how some people are when it comes to our 'special talent'."

"Yeah, we get it. It's been two months into the school and no incident have happened yet." Senra said as Soraru just sighed.

"You guys still act like six year olds sometimes." Soraru said as he walked out of the house with the other two following behind.

"Didn't sensei say that we were going to learn something new today?" Sakata asked the blonde as he made a small fire ball and twirled it around his finger.

"Yeah, and don't use your powers out in public." Senra scolded the redhead, who pouted and dismissed the flame.

The three have decided to not use their powers at school because it'd cause too much attention to them. They just wanted a normal high school life, especially after an incident that occurred.

Not that many people in the school know about their powers. Mostly just the teacher, counselors and principal.

There were some instances where some classmates found out but they didn't say anything and just stirred clear from the three.

Sakata and Senra were still bickering along the way, much to the raven-haired's annoyance. Soraru lightly smacked their heads to stop them.

"Ow." Senra slightly complained as he rubbed his head.

"Niichan is being a bully~" Sakata whined as the raven-haired glared at him.

"Oi. You know I don't really like being called that."


Soraru rolled his eyes as he sighed. Why am I still acting like the older brother?

Even though the three weren't related at all, they thought of each other as brothers. Though Soraru finds it annoying sometimes, which would cause the redhead call him 'niichan' to simply annoy him.

The three entered the school and walked in the hallways. Soraru tried to ignored the noisy, pointless chatter going around. It would sometimes give him a small headache. He just wanted to have some peace and quiet.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now