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Sakata was resting his head against his arm, feeling himself zone in and out. The redhead was bored and had nothing to do at the moment, more like he just didn't feel like listening to the teacher talk. He decided to play around with his powers a bit. He looked around the room to see if anyone was looking towards his direction, he sighed in relief once he saw that no one was paying attention to him. He was grateful that his seat was in the corner where no one could see him.

The redhead made tiny flames that danced around on his hand. He then used the small flames to create a small kitten. It was resting in his hand, he grinned to himself at his achievement. A thought then crossed his mind, let me see if I remember how to do it.

The redhead made a concentrated expression as he saw a green light form around the kitten, before quickly going away. Sakata then carefully placed the small cat on top of his papers, not wanting to wake it up. To his slight surprise and satisfaction, the paper didn't catch on fire.

A small smile appeared on his face, I'm glad I still remember what he taught me. The redhead then just watched the small kitten come to life and walk around his desk. Sakata would use his hands to cover it, as a way to make sure no one would notice. The redhead just watched the little fire fur ball aimlessly walk around. How cute~

The three male's powers have grown and improved since back then. Before it was just simple normal things, such as making it rain or creating a fire. But they eventually learned how to create objects or even small creatures, like Sakata had done now, with their powers. While Soraru and Senra rarely used it, Sakata enjoyed using his to create things.

The other two would sometimes wake up to see the redhead holding an animal in his hand, smiling cheerfully at them. Soraru and Senra just chuckled at the redhead's childishness. There were other times where Sakata made flowers for them, they were glad that the redhead was happy.

As the redhead continued to play around with the kitten, he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned his head to the side to see the blonde look at him with a blank expression.

"You know you shouldn't use your powers in class." Senra whispered as the redhead made a small whining noise.

"But I'm bored~" Sakata quietly complained, making the blonde look at him unamused. Once he saw Senra still wasn't amused, he pouted.


Sakata petted the small kitten's head before snapping his finger. The fire kitten disappeared as the redhead rested his elbows on his desk.

"You never let me have any fun~"

"I'm just making sure you don't do something stupid that could end up getting us caught." Senra stated as he turned his head back to listen to the teacher.

Sakata sighed as he rested his head on his hand, guess I'll have to listen to the teacher for once. At least that was what he thought about doing but his thoughts soon wandered off, making him completely zone out the teacher's voice.

The redhead was thinking about the raven-haired and albino. Sakata inwardly smirked as he glanced at the albino that was sitting across the room. He had noticed that Mafu seemed to act shy around the raven-haired. Guess Mafu likes niichan~ The redhead was happy, since he saw Soraru become a bit more cheerful whenever he's with the albino. Ww at least niichan can get his happiness~ he's been through a lot trying to protect us.

The redhead's grin soon began to go away as a sad smiled appeared on his face. He's been very overprotective ever since that incident. Sakata let out a weak sigh as he looked at the teacher. I wonder if I'll ever meet someone that cares about me for me.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now