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"Now what should I do to you two?" Haru made a 'playful' pondering expression, "I can kill you, take your powers forever, or just keep you trapped somewhere with no contact."

"Hey, what do you even need Senra for?" Yuuto asked, glaring at the black haired male.

"You'll soon learn why later," Haru placed his hand on his hip as smile appeared, "you better hope that the thief chooses the right one."

"You really think he'd listen to you guys," Shima bitterly questioned.

"Not really but who knows, people sometimes can't think rationally when they're in a desperate situation. But just be happy that for now your lives are spared."

"Oh, we're so grateful," sarcasm dripped from the teal-haired's mouth as he rolled his eyes.

"I was expecting you to be bawling your eyes out," Haru sighed, slightly unamused, "though I guess it'd make sense since you were a little suspicious of me, but when I accepted your confession you decided to have put utter trust in me."

Yuuto just glared at the male, irritated at the mock, Haru grinned at the gesture.

"Well, I guess I'll go see what's happening between those two. See ya." Haru then disappeared and the two males felt themselves able to move freely again.

"Oh thank god, I felt like my legs were starting to go numb." Yuuto said as he got up and stretched a bit.

"Oi, now's not the time to worry about that," Shima stated, "we need to find the others and tell them what happened."

"I think we should find Soraru first," Yuuto suggested as he turned around to look for the raven-haired.

"Shouldn't we try to find Senra though? He was literally just kidnapped!"

"If they really wanted to hurt Senra, then Haru would've done it now," Yuuto stated as the purple-haired crossed his arms.

"I guess...so?"

He didn't like the idea of Senra being alone somewhere where he wasn't sure if he was safe.

"I think it'd be easier if we split up, you go find Soraru and I'll find Hana, Eve, or Nqrse to tell them what happened."

Shima nodded his head, he was about to walk away before he remembered something.

"Oh right, hey Yuuto I'm sure we already know this but don't trust anyone."

"Got it," Yuuto gave the male a thumbs up.

He then pondered about something. You know, the king seemed quite nonchalant about all of this but back then he was more worried about them getting possible hurt, going as far as having knights by their sides all the time....

"Well good luck finding Soraru," Yuuto waved his hand as he walked away.

Shima smiled before walking the other way, trying to figure out where the raven-haired and others were. Well, I definitely know that Soraru and Mafu are together. Sakata and Urata, Amatsuki and Kashi, they're all with their boyfriends.

The purple-haired was kinda worried about how the raven-haired would react to the news. Just hope he doesn't rush into things, Shima thought before he nervously laughed to himself, or that he doesn't try to kill me for being bad at protecting Senra.

*Discontinued* Am I a Monster? (Srmf/UrSk/SmSn)Where stories live. Discover now