CH. 82 So it starts

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CH. 82 So it starts

(Amala POV)

It was time. For the King's punishment, although to the King, he was being punished from the moment he was defied and had his power ripped away.

So now, this was just a whole other level to him.

To us, it wasn't the start of the punishment when he was taken and locked up in the room, but to him, it was.

So with him viewing everything that was going to happen to him now, it was the most insulting thing. Something that he never thought would ever happen to him.

He was to be eliminated, confronted by the people he has harmed and hurt.

A vilian who was going to be finally put down.

Yet when I stare at him, it seems as if he is still waiting for something to interfere. Something that needs to happen, to cause whatever is happening to him to stop.

Is he waiting to be saved? And if so, by who? Because I know of no one who would want to help him. Maybe he is right about having people who would prefer to have him alive and in power.

After all, with him non longer being in power or alive, those people have no ally.

That is not where my concern lies, though; my problem was with Tut. He told me repeatedly that he could handle this, that he was not going to be bothered by it. That's where I think he might not be right about.

There's no doubt in my head that Tut thinks he would be able to handle this, that he wouldn't have a problem about playing a hand in killing his father, but I know for a fact that it will bother him.

The problem is, will Tut be able to handle it? Especially if it is something that ends up bothering him a lot.

I don't think he will have regrets about killing his father, but I believe he will feel something from having played a hand in his father's death.

It is something that I have already voice to Tut, but he is going to ignore it for now until he feels it is happening because that is the type of person Tut is.

When it comes to him, he ignores anything that could have an impact on his emotions.

"Killing me will start a war." Tut's father yelled out.

Tut's father was chaotic on the floor; he was on the punishment grounds. I've learned that the punishment ground is where they would do quick punishments for those who they believe deserve it.

Ancient Egyptians were not known for their long-term punishment; it doesn't mean that they didn't participate in some.

They had done force labors or sent their prisoners to Nubia, but some of the crimes that they were known for the majority of the time were their swift punishment ones.

"You all will regret this, mark my words. You all will; you think taking me down will make you all free from the horrible things that will come your way?!" The King yelled from the floor; he was covered in dirt.

He looked rough and even beaten up.

It didn't take a genius to realize that some prisoners did not care or take lightly that he is a King. Especially the fact the King himself was thrown in prison where they were and also that they overheard that they were not allowed to kill him, but that didn't stop them from doing anything else to him.

From the King's looks, I wouldn't say they tortured him too much as, of course, he was still King and had quite a bit of power to his rank and name even; well, at least that's what they believe.

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