Chapter 17 But Why?

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Ch. 17 But why?

(Amala Pov)

As Tut caught up with me, I tried to hold back a smile. It was just a couple seconds ago that it was me trying to catch up with him before and now it's the other way around.

I saw something flash through his face a couple of minutes ago, at first I was going to ignore it and think it wasn't something important but me being me of course. It tugged onto me telling me that maybe I should ask.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that Tut had opened his chambers doors.

"My King, I have come to get you and the mistress for the questioning." The guard said.

Tut nodded his head, looking back at me as if he were asking if I was ready. I gave him a look, letting him know I was and we walked out of Tut chambers as the guard walked behind us.

"My King and My Mistress, which man would you like to speak with first?" The guard asked us, I already knew who I wanted to talk to first. When Tut was giving his speech and I was looking for any certain reaction that could fit the situation that had to do with us. I noticed the two men and I saw how their reactions were on their faces. I definitely wanted to talk to the man who looked like he was regretting something that he didn't even want to be a part of. There's a story there and I definitely wanted to talk to him first. Something just didn't feel right, it was like a game and even a puzzle.

"My King, if it is okay with you. I think we should talk to the nervous one who seems to regret something first." I said to Tut and he stared at me, giving me a smile.

Probably happy as hell he has me calling him 'My King' gosh this is going to take getting used to.

"Of course. That sounds like an intelligent idea, Salem I would like you to be Mala personal guard. As in you will be the true guard to protect her no matter what. I believe you know how important this role is, I believe you know that role is also an upgrade to the regular guard role you have now." Tut said and my eyes widen.

He did what now?

He just gave me a bodyguard without going over it with me?

I mean, I'm not stupid. I know my life is in danger here, especially Tuts life but it still would be nice if he actually took the time to consider my thoughts on having a personal bodyguard.

I turned around to look at Salem and his eyes were wide, he looked stung. I mean, of course, he would be. Tut randomly just upgraded his job. He didn't see this coming and I certainly did not see this coming. I was coming to respect Tut, he has let me have a say in many things I shouldn't even have a say in. Which is why I'm not really going to object to him giving me a bodyguard. If Tut can learn to trust me with everything I have done so far, why shouldn't I be able to do the same thing? If he feels like this is important, me having a bodyguard then I have no reason to object.

I smiled at Salem. "Please take care of me," I said and he bowed his head down, raising his head back up and giving me a smile back. "Of course my lady." He said.

My smile widens and I turned around again to continue walking.

I assumed we reaching the rooms where they kept the men because of the guards that were standing in front of two doors that were across each other.

I asked the guard to not let the men know that they're literally in the rooms across from each other and also to bring them in the rooms that they were supposed to be waiting in at different times.

"Pharoah Tut and Mistress Amala." The guards all say, bowing their heads.

I smiled at each guard, making eye contact with each one. I never was one to think others were better than other people. I didn't care about ranks and I wanted to the guards to know I was grateful for their help. I wanted them to know that I respected them also.

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