CH. 28 Keep her calm

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CH. 28 Keep her calm

(King Tut POV)

We were almost close to my Father and My Mother by Law land or should I say mini Kingdom. I was really hoping I didn't run into my father but knowing that I would try my best to make that not happen, I wasn't worried about it.

Also with my Mother in law, I actually heard from a source she wasn't home but on a trip, I could only imagine what that trip is about. Maybe she went to seek out more information on what to do, I needed to make a note to find out who is helping her. I don't know how many people she has on her side and I need to be alerted on that.

Yes, that was something to worry about because I will not take my Mother by law lightly.

She is a woman, we all know when a woman truly wants something she doesn't stop until she gets what she wants or until she's stop, I am no idiot when it comes to that.

I am not an idiot when it comes to the wrath of a woman, I know what it can lead to.

I told my people to take us through the back way because I didn't want to send that much Alert, which will Alert people on my presence. If I went through the back way, the only people who will really know my presence is the people I'm scared on How Mala will react to seeing.

The Hems (Slaves) The people who were taken in from war, other, the other slaves taken from their home in foreign lands ("Asia"). My Mother by Law and Father servants were treated differently from mine. I never called my servant's Hems, which I felt like was an Insult. I never called them Slaves, my people were treated well and if I could even remember their names.

I will call them by their names, but of course, running a Kingdom I don't remember everyone's name.

My Mother by Law was trying to ruin my image, she already started by fooling those people in thinking I had something to do with their children going missing when she was honestly the one behind it.

I'm glad that they called in the rest of the people that were part of the group and told them what was really going on.

I've never seen so many people cry and have a look of shock on their faces when they have come to find out that the person they're putting so much anger on isn't the person behind what they're angry about.

It disgusted me that someone can do that to people, to my people. My Mother by Law was someone I wanted to and will work hard to bring down.

That is not a threat but a promise.

Because you can make a threat and not fall through with it but making a Promise, is another story.

I am King Tut, I keep my promises.

We were approaching the slaves working on the lands and working outside the temples.

I notice that Ramo and Leo moved their eyes away. I became aware that their parents were servants of my Father. I didn't tell them, but one of the reasons why I brought them here was also to reunite them with their parents and also to take them from my Father.

I would deal with the aftermath later, of course, this was a quick visit and if My Father came to my Kingdom upset or demanding them back, then I would deal with that when it happened.

Right now I was going to keep my word to those people and get their children back.

I just need to figure out where they are being kept.

I looked at Mala to find her going to look out the window, I quickly pulled her hand back.

She turned to look at me with a questioning look.

"Why did you pull my hand back Tut?" She asked me.

"Why were you going to look outside?" I asked her not answering her question, she raised a brow at me.

"Why? I can't look outside?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"You won't like what you see," Leo said.

"It will upset you," Ramo said and I nodded my head.

Mala narrowed her eyes.

"I rather let it upset me now instead of  thinking about it for the rest of my time here, I've prepared myself to see everything around this time." She said pulling her hand back.

She turned to look out the window, grabbing the curtain and pulling back.

She looked out the window for two minutes and brought the curtain back.

Her head was still facing the window.

There was silence in the cabin, we waited for her reaction.

"Mala," I said and I saw her shoulders jolted.

"Are you okay?" I asked her afraid of the answer.

She turned around and look at us.

"There are slaves outside Tut, some with my skin tone, some white, some Asian, some middle eastern, some from the hittie land. There are slaves out there, you didn't want me to see this?" She asked me, she looked hurt, which I can not understand why. I was protecting her from not letting her see that.

I knew it would hurt her, but still, she went out of her way to look.

Why would she want to see something that will hurt her? I looked at Mala, not bothering on hiding my words.

"Mala, you know this isn't your time and things would be different, I understand it's different with knowing that but actually seeing it with your own eyes does take a tow on you," I said to her and she looked at me.

"It's just a lot to take in. It wasn't like this near your home." She said and I nodded my head.

"I don't treat my people like that," I said, knowing that it might be hard to believe for some people, but it was true.

"I need you to be strong for me okay, not only for me but for everyone you're going to encounter that could need your help. You're going to have to be strong Mala, I'm not going to hide the truth from you. There's a lot of things we will encounter, you will encounter and I want you to be ready for that, because if you're not ready. It will break you. So can you be strong for me, please?" I said to her.

She looks towards the boys.

She looked back at me.

"Yeah. I can be strong enough." She said and I nodded my head.

"Good, because you've really seen nothing yet."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

I like it how Tut isn't going to sugar coat anything for Amala, he knows how it is and he knows the truth of where he's from. He wants Amala to be prepared to overcome anything and everything when they come to face certain conflicts and situation. Tut sees something in Amala, let's see if she confirms it. Of course, I added some more History in this chapter, I want you all to know that this BOOK/STORY will have a bunch of things that occurred in History in it. I will give you guys FACTS (No Sugar Coating) I will switch things around but tell you guys what I replace them with (Because I want you all to know) To those of you who are still here from the very beginning. I think you, continue to stay for the rest of this Journey. It gets interesting :) Thanks.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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