CH.63 He tried it

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CH. 63 He tried it

(Tut POV)

It's been a couple of days since my Father had made his presence. Of course, word got out to the people of what he did and what he said.

It didn't surprise me that word got out, there's always going to be gossip, and sometimes people don't get it right, but this time. Oh no, they got every detail right. It wouldn't surprise me if it were his guards that he had told the details.

My father is someone who likes being in control and always wants people to believe that he had power over everyone, even people that no one would think he had power over.

So, it wouldn't surprise me that he had his man go out and about to spread the news because there would be no other way that these people would know the details of what happened unless they were in the hall with us.

I asked Mala if he could give me some words to express how this worthless excuse of Father was, and she did.

She told me asshole was one. I suppose people in her time, call people ass holes for a reason. She told me Dick was another, Bastard, Dead Beat Father, Rapist, and some other colorful words that had my face heated; I couldn't even dare to repeat those words. It surprises me on how Mala said them with no facial expression.

My father hadn't made his appearance here again, and if he were to, I would be ready. I had all my people not to let him in, and I vowed them protection, although I could tell that they were hesitant.

I had their families move to better, secluded locations.

Now, I was with Mala. We were on our way to see my other stepmother, Nefertiti. Although my stepmother Nefertiti had some religious practices in common with my father, my father had yet to know that Nefertiti despises him.

This was someone he would no see coming at all.

When I had told Mala who we were going to see, she, of course. Don't know why it took me off guard. Mala was excited; I was trying not to remind her that her life has been in danger this whole time she's been here.

I couldn't help smiling at her; she just had the habit of making you want to pull her into a hug and never let her go.

This was something that I wasn't planning on doing, I know Mala isn't from my time, and I do know this era wasn't meant to have her, but maybe there was a way we could simply just go back and forth.

From my Era to hers, her mother and grandmother seem to know something.

After all, they have been able to communicate with each other and can send Mala things.

It surprised me with all of this information.

"Are we here?" Mala asked.

"Yes, we are here," I said, getting out of the chariot.

I stuck my hand out for Mala to take and she did, I watch as soon as she got out. Her eyes widened.

I smile.

It must be beautiful to see things through Mala's eyes.

"Tut, oh my goodness. I would take my phone out and take pictures, but I can't. I would probably be seen doing so and killed." She said, causing me to nod my head.

I have been making myself familiar with Mala things and her other products.

She's shown me how to do things, and we were even able to take pictures together. Which made me happy, that Mala and I were at least to have proof together.

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