CH. 91 "It's everything that you do."

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CH. 91 "It's everything that you do."

(Tut Pov)

It's everything that Mala does that I find alluring, simply everything.

The way she smiles, the eagerness she gets when she has a plan, the way she speaks and carries herself. The way she looks at me, the way she laughs, and the way she is right now with me. These are all things that I find myself fascinated with and all things I find myself never able to part away from.

I lowered my kisses down her chest, smiling as I notice that her chest was rising just from the kisses I was placing on it.

This isn't the first time Mala and I have been intimate, but oddly, I feel like no matter how many times we become intimate with each other. The feeling between us will always be this way.

I never thought I would ever come across someone who makes me feel this way.

I raised my head and brought it to face her.

I smiled at her as I pressed a kiss on her lips.

Mala wrapped her arms around me and deepened the kiss; I held her against me as well. I kissed her with just the same amount of passion that she was kissing me.

Mala then moved her lips to my neck.

"You know I find you addicting, right?" She asked me as she started sucking my neck where her lips were.

She pulled back and looked at me.

"I'm sorry happy to be with you." She said as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Being with you just makes me very happy." She said; as she brought her head near my ear, I felt her tug on my ear with her teeth.

Mala's arms that were wrapped around my back moved.

She lowered one arm further down.

"Trust me when I say you're not the only one who gets eager to touch the person that they love." She said as I felt her hand wrapped around my lower member.

"Mala," I said, groaning.

"Yes? What? Do you not like it?" She said, tightening her grip.

"I like it very much," I said.

"Good." She said, bringing her face back in front of mine.

Mala's lips were back on mine.

I lowered my hand, so I could work its way to get between her legs.

Mala willingly spread her legs for me, and I didn't hesitate as I lightly brushed my hands on her private area.

I held my breath from the moisture I felt and release it.

"You should have told me that you wanted me this much," I said to her.

"Just as much as you want me." She said, causing me to smile.

"Hmm, you're very right about that," I said.

I lowered myself even more down her body, right where my face could be between her legs.

"One thing that I can't get enough from you, though, is for sure your taste. Whether it's from the lips that you use to talk with or from these." I said, moving my hands away from her private area.

I brought my face closer and placed my tongue out so I could lick her. As soon as my tongue touched her, Mala let out a low moan.

"Tut." She said, her hands finding my hair.

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