CH. 35 She'll bring honor to us

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CH. 35 She'll bring Honor to us

(Tut POV)

Mala and I were walking towards the area where everyone was being reunited with their family.

When we reached there, all attentions were on us and everyone bowed immediately thanking Mala.

Mala eyes widened and she quickly shook her head, bringing her hands up.

"I am glad you all are reunited with your loved ones. That makes me truly happy that this was able to happen, children, I am sorry such things have happened to you but I promise you that those people won't be able to get their hands on any of you again. Parents, I will do everything I can to protect the children and your family. I know that is not saying much since you all don't know me, it is not only a promise to you but also to myself as I can not bear to let anything happen like that ever again. You have my word." Mala said giving them all a soft smile.

Everyone looked at her, stunned facial expressions found on their face.

"We are all extremely grateful for you. We can not thank you enough for what you have done. Thank you, thank you Goddess Amala and King Tutankhamun. A woman who was holding her child said.

I watched as Mala eyes widened at her being called a Goddess, the word around here travels fast. I hope she wasn't expecting that people weren't going to call her that.

"We would do it again if it came to this again, but it will not. We will make sure of it." I said.

Mala turned to look at me and nodded her head.

"You all will be staying in the back quarters, where the homes are for tonight then you all will be escorted home, I will have a guard at your residence when you return home to make sure nothing happens to you or your family," I said meaning my words. It's time I show my people that I care about them, it was easy for the Queen to mess with their mind and have my own people distrust me.

I shouldn't let that happen again, this can not happen again. I can't let people mess with my people.

"Thank you, your highness." They all said together.

"Of course, you're my people. It's time for people to know not to mess with my people." I said nodding my head to them.

"May you all rest easy tonight," I said to them, I nodded to my guards letting them know to watch the people and make sure they get to their place to rest.

I took Mala hand and walked away with her.

Doing things like this with her just felt right, having her around me just felt right. Even when she was in front of my people, the glow surrounding her just wouldn't stop. She had no idea how stunning and beautiful she was. Everyone in the room was looking at her, she didn't know that she might be the one who could bring Honor to us all.

There was no way I was letting her go.

"I've just got a chill run down my back," Mala said causing me to rais a brow.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"Something is coming or someone, something is going to happen soon." She said causing me to look at her with a confused expression.

"You got all of that from a shiver running down your back?" I asked her, she nodded her head.

"Whenever this happens to me, something like that always happens. I'm telling you it's true." She said looking at me with honesty being shown on her face.

I nodded her head.

Smiled at her softly.

"Mala, I never doubted you and will never doubt you, not one bit. It's probably the Queen realizing that Kronos is gone and we have him." I said shrugging my shoulder.

Mala nodded her head.

"It also could be much more than that too, it could be multiple things." She said.

"I'm going to be on my heels, something is coming. I can feel it." She said. I squeezed her hand, causing her eye to widen. She looked shocked, probably forgetting that we were still holding hands. It felt so right.

"Let's go check on the boys," I said walking towards my wing with her next to my side.

"I've been meaning to ask you." She said getting my attention.

"Meaning to ask me what?" I asked her as we made it to the hallway of my wing. I nodded my head towards my guards.

"What made her the way she is today? I mean, was she ever a bad person?" Mala asked. I raised a brow but the realization hit me on who she was talking about.

"To be honest, I don't think she was. I think she turned this way." I said honestly, I didn't like the woman but I wasn't going to lie and say she was a bad person from the beginning.

"What was done to her?" She asked me. I stopped walking for a second.

Then continued, still holding onto her hand.

"I really don't know the whole story, why is that you want to know?" I asked her as we approached my chambers.

I trust the boys to be left in there.

"I want to know because everyone has a story, everyone has a story that led them into who they're today." She said, I looked at her and by her facial expression it looked like she was in deep thoughts.

"Yes, that may be true but that doesn't mean everyone is willing to tell their story, it causes pain to some people who can't over what they've gone through. Some can't even come to think about telling their story." I said to her.

She looked at me with a facial expression I couldn't understand.

I opened my chambers door to see Leo, Kronos and Ramo sitting on the floor, talking.

"We are back," Mala said smiling at them.

"Did we interrupt something?" Mala asked them.

"We just accidentally told Kronos what his mother was doing," Leo said causing Mala to eyes.

"How much did you two tell him?" Mala asked.

"It's fine, I know my mother isn't a good person," Kronos said getting up.

Not everyone can be a good person, sometimes people don't have a choice to choose the type of person they want to be. Sometimes life chooses for them." Mala said with a soft look on her face.

"What I said earlier on our way here about my mother, I meant what I said," Kronos said.

"Your mother doesn't like me," Mala said, Kronos looked at Mala and sighed.

"She doesn't like me but I want to talk to her, she'll be coming to get you soon. Do you think you would be able to get her to talk to me?" Mala asked causing my eyes to widen.

Did she just say she wants to talk? To the main woman who wants her dead?

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

What do you Dolls think Amala is planning with wanting to talk to the Queen? What do you Dolls think she is trying to do?

Do you think whatever Amala has planned is a good idea or not?

Do you Dolls think Tut would let her talk to the Queen?

Do you Dolls think that shiver running down Amala back was honestly a hunch telling her that something bad was going to happen?

Comment your answers.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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