CH. 94 A whole new world

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CH. 94 A whole new world

(Amala POV)

*Two Years Later*~

I was in the living room, sitting on the couch in front of the t.v watching archaeologists roaming around where the ancient historical places in Egypt are—seeing if they could discover anything new that they haven't found before. They discussed the time King Tut's tomb was found, in 1922, when British archaeologist Howard Carter came across it, many tests have been run on King Tut. Some said he died from blood loss, some saying that he died from a blow to the head, some saying that he died from malaria, and others believing that King Tut's health issues were why he died, from what they could find from the body. They also found proof that King Tut was proof of incest and also knowing the fact that his parents were related as well.

Although some things had changed before I met Tut, it was known that he ended up marrying his half-sister, but right now, none of this has been mentioned. As I, of course, had ended up interfering with history, from the very moment I was pulled into the past, history was going to change. There was nothing I could do to prevent it; my very existence at that point had interfered with the era itself. The thing was, there was nothing I could do to even stop myself from interfering with Tut's era; neither did I want to.

From the minute I met him and knew who he was, I just couldn't ignore Tut and let him go through the things he would have to go through.

I continued to watch t.v as they spoke more about what was found and not found; no mentions of Tut's mother tomb were found as well.

Many tombs were not found; the reasons why? Well, because they were not meant to be seen and of course, certain people made sure that the tombs would indeed be hard to find, especially with the help from a certain someone who made sure that none of the tombs of the people she cared about would ever be found whenever they ended up dying.

A small smile crossed my face as I turned off the tv, as soon as I did. I heard the front door to the house opened.

I sat up from the couch and walked towards the front door, a smile on my face as Tut came in.

His face lightened up as he saw me.

"Hello, my Queen, how were classes?" He asked me, taking me into a hug. I hugged him back.

It's been two years of us living together in my era, we still visit Tut's era, of course, but only the ones who are close to us and who knew about our plan know of our existence and know that we visit. To everyone else in Tut's era, Tut died, and I simply have disappeared; no one knew what happened to me. There are speculations that I was taken away by the people who killed Tut and assumptions that whoever killed Tut was someone fond of Tut's father. My name was taken down as the woman who showed up from nowhere and had had an impact in ancient Egypt and even on Queen Renequa people.

The thing about that is, my name is never spelled wrong with my Starbucks order, and now whenever I'm in school in a new class, and the professor is taking attendance, they always reference my name to Amala, the woman who showed from nowhere and left to nowhere. Asking me questions if that's where my mother got my name from or if my name meaning was from the Amala in history.

Not knowing that the Amala they rave and discuss was the same one sitting in their class.

Of course, I couldn't blame them. Who would believe it? They would claim it as a work of fiction; after all, there's no way someone could travel from the b.c to the era I was in.

"Classes were fine; how were classes for you?" I asked Tut.

Tut was also going to school as well; we were attending the same university; the thought of that made me smile.

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