CH. 10 What have I started?

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CH.10 What have I started?

(Amala, Mala POV)

I look at my reflection and couldn't believe what I was looking at.

As soon as that story of me being the Goddess Ishtar in Egypt and not in Anatolia (Turkey) Instead people came and Lavish me with gifts.

I officially started something and now I had to go through it.

"Oh, Phora I started something, something that can be dangerous," I said to Phora who nodded her head.

It's official even the Cheetah understands what I started.

I have to go through with this, I said staring at my reflection.

I look at the outfit I was wearing, even if this was a little too much. I look good.

I was wondering how long I was going to last here, I had things to do back home and I haven't even graduated yet.

It's not like I would stay here either, that would just be crazy.

"Finding everything to your liking Goddess." King Tut said walking towards me and I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him.

"It was the first thing that pops in my head okay? You can't blame me. it worked out anyway." I said defending myself, I refuse to feel bad, these gifts are nice.

He let out a laugh "What will you do when they start asking you to come guide them in war? or to help cure their fertility problems? or more Godly things?" He said and my eyes widen.

"You said what now?" I asked fearing for the reply.

He noticed and let out another laugh.

"You started something Mala, something huge. I am sure the whole village knows about you, heck Egypt most likely knows about you now. You've made a name for yourself, the question is how are you going to own up to it." Tut said and I couldn't believe it.

I'm an idiot, I didn't have time to think things through but still, I should have thought it through. Gosh, these are people in the B.C era, of course, they're going to come up and ask for these miracle treatments. I can't grant these treatments. Some I can but I refused to be burned to death or become fry chicken as they scream she's a witch.

a shiver ran through my body as that image pop in my head.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I asked him and he gave me look as if I should have known the answer.

"Why would I? the look on my mother by law face was worth remembering if someone were to try to kill you. I would have asked them to wait after your speech and after the look, my mother by law had then they could proceed." King Tut said and my mouth dropped open.

"That thought was before, I am fond of you now. I'll protect you. no worries. just don't get killed in the first couple of chapters you're here okay?" He said walking from me and I followed him.

"So what are your plans for today?" I asked him and he turned his head around to look at me with a confused expression.

"What are you going to do today?" I asked again and he rolled his eyes.

"Mala I understood what you asked before I just don't understand why'd you asked. I am a King, I don't have to tell you my plans." He said.

"What.... What.. I don't care but I'm just letting you know you can't leave me alone here, I have no weapons to protect myself. All I have is Phora and she shouldn't work alone. Don't forget your step mother wants me dead for whatever reason and I am not safe alone. so sorry Tut can't leave me alone, I'll have to be your shadow." I said standing close behind him making a point.

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