Ch. 13 We're Friends.

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Ch. 13 We're Friends.

(Amla POV)

"So what exactly is your plan here Mala?" Tut asked me and I looked behind us, to see that Phora was still following us and I smiled. She was so sneaky and quiet. I didn't even know that she was still behind us and I love that about her.

"We're going to do what is completely out of your character and we're going to need help," I told him and he stared at me and I noticed that confusion formed on his face. I stared at Aww and I realized that sometimes I get to caught up with making my own plans that I fail to let other people in on it.

"is there anyone that you believe would stand up for you and always do anything for you?" I said and he nodded his head.

"Yes, one of my servants, the young boy. Leo, he's a good boy and I know he would do whats right. Why do you ask?" He asked and a smile came to my face.

"Well the reason I asked is that we're going to ask him for his help and I have a feeling that this plan is going to work, we're going to show the people that there is good, in you. We're going to give them something that they don't expect at all to see from you and what better way to do that but to portray you as a Hero to them." I said and his expression finally showed that he understood what I said.

"You want to make it seem like Leo was in my room, cleaning and he got attack by the snake which leads me to save him. " He said and I nodded my head.

"Yes, with that being said we can tell the people the story and show that you're angry that Leo safety was put in danger. He was just a child and haven't lived enough, We can add that in there also." I said and Tut looked at me with a weird expression on his face.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked

"I would love to see how your mind works," He said and I stared at him. For a second I thought he was going to cut my head in half just to see my mind.

"Ah you're admiring my skills, Haha Tut is admiring my skills. How sweet." I said and He rolled his eyes at me.

"Come along, I will take you to the servant-head quarters which is where we will find Leo," Tut said and I nodded my head. Following him with Phora not too far behind us.

"You know what's kind of mess up Tut?" I asked him getting ready to make him feel bad.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Which is?" He asked and I had a huge smile on my face as I said what I was going to say which was going to deliver the lowest blow ever.

"I haven't been fed," I said and He stopped walking and stared at me.

"I apologize, sometimes I go on my stomach alone but we will get you fed no worries." He said and I finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Great because I'm starving," I said and he gave a small laugh which had my eyes widening.

"Well well well. Look at Tut laughing and all" I said as we turn the corner and I know we were approaching the servants quarter.

Tut opened the door and I saw the servants doing their own daily chores and all, it was they all lived in a big house.

All the servants started to bow but King Tut lift his hand up letting them know that it wasn't necessary. He and I walked into the quarters, with Phora in tow. Ther servants were eyeing Phora like they couldn't believe how she could not just attack any of them any second.

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