CH. 64 I can't believe this

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CH. 64 I can't believe this

(Amala POV)

Here I am sitting next to one of the Queens who had an impact on Egypt.

I want to take my phone out and take a picture of this, but then I would probably start trouble considering the era we are in.

Ever since I've shown Tut how to take pictures, he's been taking my phone every chance he gets to take photos of us.

I found it very cute, we've taken lots of selfies, and I could tell that Tut wanted his own phone as well, but it's not like I mind sharing mine with his anyway. The fact that Tut was already a pro on learning how to use my phone made me proud.

I didn't know the situation between Nefertiti and Tut's father but from what I can see by the way she reacted to Tut wanting to take his father down. She wasn't a fan of him, Was any of his wives a fan of him? Most likely not, and I couldn't blame them.

Tut father wasn't a good person at all what so ever.

That man already proved that he was a narcissist.

He already proved that he thought he was above and superior to others.

It makes me wonder how long he's been that way.

"So, Amala. I am sorry that you're in this situation. I can imagine this is something that you and no one else would want to be apart of or want anything to deal with." Nefertiti said.

"It's honestly not, but I know we'll be able to figure it out. I hate that everyone keeps getting into situations with him, and I know it's something that has affected everyone that has been treated horribly by the King. He likes being superior over others." I said, and Nefertiti nodded her head.

"Yes, he used my beliefs and twisted them with his ways. He's someone that I believe isn't right in the head." Nefertiti said.

Hmm, he seems like he has sociopath tendencies. Someone that should be looked at all angles.

Tut continued talking to Nefertiti, and while they were talking, I was staring at them both.

Although she wasn't Tut biological Mother, the way they spoke to each other showed that they did care for each other as well.

The training that Tut had me do was intense, but I did pick up on a lot of things.

I am glad I did because if it wasn't for the training, I don't know if I would be able to protect myself like the way I do now. It's not like I was able to access guns or anything.

Considering I was in the B.C era and guns weren't accurately made yet but if I did have a gun with me.

It would have everyone going crazy, but maybe I needed to have everyone going crazy that tries to mess with Tut or me.

"How long are you two are planning on staying?" Nefertiti asked.

"We are not, but if you don't mind giving Mala a tour of your home. As I am sure, she would love to see it." Tut said, causing my eyes to widen.

I turn to look at Nefertiti. I was excited to have a tour.

Tut was starting to know me more than I thought.

"Of course, well. Let's go, I don't usually give tours, but I can see Tut here cares for you and seeing that makes me not mind giving you one at all. So, let's all go for a tour." She said, standing up.

I let up a squeal that took her a surprise.

"She's a huge fan of tours," Tut said, and Nefertiti smiled.

"I see. Well, follow me." As she said so and turned around.

I took Tuts hand into mine and followed Nefertiti.

I felt Tut squeeze my hand, and I smiled at that, as we followed Nefertiti around her place.

Each time she showed me something or when I walk past something that held interest to me.

I looked at it and asked questions.

These were things I wasn't looking at in museums but in the actual place that they were in for years.

I was seeing history and art at its time at the same time.

"Did you enjoy the tour?" Tut asked me as we left Nefertiti's place.

She told me I could visit anytime and that she enjoyed my company and questions.

"Yes, yes, I did. Thanks for bringing it up." I said, and Tut smiled at me as help me get in the carriage.

"Of course, beautiful, I know it's something you enjoy, and I enjoy making you happy. I enjoy the shine that reflects from your eyes when you smile and take the things you're learning in. I also enjoy when you explain them, because it's like I'm seeing everything for the first time through your eyes." Tut said, getting in and sitting next to me.

My heart leaped at that.

Tut sure had a way with words.

"That was sweet. Seriously." I said to Tut.

"Oh, you know I can be even sweeter." He said, causing my face to get heated.

"Are you ready for your highness?" The guard who was going to take us back home asked.

"Yes," Tut answered.

"So, who's next?" I asked, and Tut stayed quiet for a while.

"A cousin of mine is next," Tut said, and the way he said the words made me question it.

"What's the thing with you and your cousin?" I asked.

"It's a long story." He said, and I nodded my head, knowing whenever Tut wanted to tell me that he would.

"Okay, do you mind if I lay my head on your shoulder?" I asked him.

"Of course not." He said, and I smiled as I did so.

I felt him press a kiss on my forehead.

I like being with Tut this way; it made our relationship feel so real.

He is real, and I know that his feelings for me are real.

It was the same for me with him.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Can you feel the love tonight? LOL

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-Kassandra Vivu

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