CH. 73 You're going down

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CH. 73 You're going down

(Tut POV)

After talking to the guards and gathering the information that I wanted to collect from them.

I didn't kill them, but I didn't let them go.

I gave them a quarter and told them that there would be no harm that came their way but that they were also not allowed to leave my presence. Not until I get Mala back.

They were shocked; I kept my word to them.

I was standing in front of the door, the door that the son of a bitch known as my father was behind.

My guards had been guarding it, and they were still there.

They were staring at me but making it seem like they weren't.

I knew that they were wondering what it was that I was going to do.

"I'll be back," I said to them as I entered the room and shut the door.

"You bastard." I was greeted with.

I look at him with a blank look.

"You think you can do this to me? You've lost your mind. You have lost it. I will end you." He said.

I blinked as I stare at him.

I was showing him that his words did not affect me.

I move my stare to his leg, and a smirk appeared on my face.

I saw that my guards had put a chain lock on him.

"You think this is amusing? After I kill you. I'm going to kill your men. I'm going to kill all your servants, and I am going to kill their families. That will be your fault." He said.

I decided now to talk; I named all the people women he's taken and women he's holding hostage.

I watch as his eyes widened.

"They're going to find out that it was you. That it was you who took them away." I said.

"You've made a lot of enemies. Enemies that want you dead. It's very risky of you to do that; you know what's even sadder. Is that even your blood wants you dead." I said to him.

"So what? Do you think you won something? You think people won't revenge my death if you do something to me?" My Father said on the floor.

I let out a humorless laugh.

"Name them. Name the people who will avenge your death, because I don't think anyone will." I said to him.

"All your sons. They hate you. Your nephews? They hate you. Your daughters? They hate you. Your wives? They hate you. Your guards? They hate you. The men in your military? They hate you. Your servants? They hate you. Your death might become a holiday." I said to him. I can see the anger come across his face.

"The Gods you worship? They most likely hate you because. If they didn't, you wouldn't be in this situation." I said.

"I should have had you killed a long time ago." He said.

"Probably, but I guess you didn't see this coming. Regardless if you had me killed a long time ago. I guarantee you; someone else would have ended you." I said to him.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"As I said before, you've made a lot of enemies, and you live your life as if you thought you were untouchable. You're very wrong about that; the reason why no one has harmed you yet is that they've planned to and wants you to be harmed the worse way possible." I said to him.

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