CH. 93 It'll work

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CH. 93 It'll work

(Tut POV)

Malas plans are always one that either is entertaining to see, shocks you, or scares you.

Of course, her of my fake death and how it is currently operating shocks me and scares me at the same time.

Why? Because Mala is someone that no one should mess with, especially with a mind like hers.

She thinks things through; she thinks of outcomes for everything.

So when she thought about getting my fake body, it was a plan that scared me but intrigued me at the same time.

I am super glad that Mala isn't a villain because if she was, she would on top of the villain list and would even have Queen Renequa debating if she has the skills even to be a match.

"So this is the body?" Mala said.

"Yes, this is the man who killed himself because he couldn't handle being lock up for his crime." one of my trusted men said.

The man that they were referring to was a sexual abuser, who was someone that couldn't handle being surrounded by other criminals who also have committed crimes, especially when they found out what he did.

People would target each other in there, sometimes based on the crimes they've done, and a sexual abuser who's abused many people, including children, will, of course, be a target.

So when Mala decided that this was the man's body that they were going to use to pretend that it was me, this disfigured-looking man. I couldn't help but be, a little. I don't know, insulted.

"Tut, what's wrong?" Mala asked, knowing that there was something wrong with my mood.

"Oh, nothing," I said.

I watched her tilt her head and let out a sigh.

"You're upset with the person that is chosen." She said.

"He's disgusting; I know he's dead now, but he was a disgusting person, and he looks disgusting too," I said.

I was okay with having my fake death, but at least not with someone who looks like this or someone who did the things he did.

Mala approached me and grabbed my face with both hands.

"I get it, although no one else would know but us and the others we included in. You would know this, that this person is the one that's going to be in the tomb that is rightfully your rest bed and that everyone else will mourn your death, not knowing that this right here was a criminal and not you. I know this is bothering you, Tut." She said, making direct eye contact with me.

"But the reason why I wanted to use him is that he was a criminal who killed himself, so his body is a body that I think we could use and not feel too guilty about, believe me, I already feel guilty about this enough, and I also don't want to use anyone innocent. Tut, are you sure that you want to do this? It's not too late to back out of it, you know. It would be okay if you changed your mind." She said.

I knew she meant what she said; Mala is sure someone who would be put my feelings first when it comes to anything. That is something that I would never doubt, no matter what.

"No, it's okay, honestly, I just ugh. It does bother me that this creep will be the one in my tomb and be the one that gets taken care of for the day of rest, but he's dead, and I'm not, so I'll take it as a good thing for me." I said.

Another thing is that he will no longer hurt anyone ever again with him being dead.

"So, explain to me again what it is that you're going to do to the body again?" I asked her.

She continued to stare at me to make sure I was okay and then spoke.

"Well, he's already disfigured from so we are just going to add to that; we'll also have a blow to his leg and give him a blow to his head as well. We'll have to have it where no one would be able to tell if he's you or not." Mala said, and I nodded my head.

"That way, people would be more shocked that someone did this to me and even feel appalled at what was done to me," I said.

They won't even bother to make sure if I was the one who was killed this way or not.

"Especially with word getting out about what happened with your father," Mala said.

"Yes, right. People would see that is the reason that someone did this to me. Even though my father didn't have a lot of supporters, he had enough, and the supporters he had are not good people either." I said, getting a nod from Mala.

"Okay, so shall we start?" Mala ask.

"Okay, here are the clothes you asked me to bring," I said, handing her the clothes. They were clothes that I have worn before.

I plan to take to Mala's era with me, is all my clothes and items that I hold dear and find valuable to me. There was no way I was going to leave any of those things behind.

Mala and I turned around as the guard stripped the dead man off of his clothes and then putting the clothes I gave Mala on him.

"He's dressed." My trusted guard said.

We turned around.

"You two are around the same height as well," Mala said, staring at the dead man on the floor.

"Yes. I notice." I said.

"Your Highness, my lady. I will get the scene ready." My trusted guard said.

I nodded my head and took Mala's hand.

"I got it; we'll leave through the hidden passway and go towards the close wing. " I said. He nodded his head.

"You remember all your lines?" Mala asked him.

"Yes." He said.

"Okay, good," Mala said, smiling at him.

"See you later." She said as she and I went through the hidden passway in the room, letting the passway close behind us.

We heard the guard scream, "Your Highness!" He yelled.

The trusted man is supposed to find King Tut murdered in the room. Blood found everywhere, of course, would have the scene ready, and all the other trusted men would act in on it with him.

I will be in the close wing, where no one but my trusted people will access it.

Where Mala's family was staying.

Also, we would be able to leave anytime we want and come back anytime we want without anyone knowing.

I would miss my home dearly, but a home is a place you make it.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

The ending is coming soon :( but don't worry, it'll be a good one :)

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-Kassandra Vivu

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