CH. 49 So far so good?

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CH. 49 So far so good?

(Tut POV)

When Mala voice that she wanted to ride her own horse, I didn't even felt surprised. It was like I knew deep inside she would, a matter of fact I would have been more surprised if she claimed that she didn't want her own horse.

She's proven that she was a sole woman that didn't need that much assistance. What I was worried about, was the fact that one day she'll need help or she'll need something that she is unable to provide or come up with but she won't realize that until it is too late.

The fact that we were on a journey, from my country and everything things that I am familiar with to a foreign area.

I have no men with me, the protection I have is the protection that I brought for myself and brought to protect the people around me.

Although I am sure the Queen is able to protect herself.

I was referring to the boys and Mala.

Mala might say that she is able to protect herself but I'll object to that, I am not disagreeing that she can't but it would put me at ease knowing that I am well equipped to protect her if a certain situation were to happen.

"This is great, I adore horses," Mala says as she rides her horse next to me.

I turned my head to look at her, she was riding the horse with ease.

Almost making it effortless.

"Well, I'm glad, because you'll be riding that horse for a while," I said to her.

She rolled her eyes at me and I shrugged my shoulders because it was true.

She would be riding that horse for a while, we are in Egypt and we are taking a journey to Anatolia.

We are not going by ship but by horse.

It might take us a little more than 1,411 km. Especially with us wanting to rest and take a break from our travels.

It would be dangerous to ride a horse with no sleep.

I turned my attention to the boys and found them not minding the journey as well, it'll kick in for them soon.

The good thing was that Ramos, Leo, and Kronos were all using one horse.

How they made that happened? No idea but they were making it work.

"When it comes nightfall, we should find an area to rest." The man said.

I turned my attention to him and saw that he was talking to me.

I nodded my head.

"Yes, of course, but it'll be a while till it reaches nightfall so we should do as much riding as we can so we can make our journey not that long," I said.

"I agree." He said.

"I don't suppose any of you brought food?" Kronos asked.

His mother turned to look at him.

"Of course we brought food Kronos, don't tell me you didn't pack anything?" His mother asked him.

Silence came from Kronos.

"Oh Kronos, that wasn't very smart now was it." His mother said.

"We have packed some food that we can share with you," Ramos said.

"Thank you," Kronos said.

I watched as Mala's eyes widened from the conversation that was happening around her.

I held back a smirk.

She turned to look at me but I looked away from her.

As if I wasn't looking at her in the first place.

I know for a fact, Mala did not pack any food.

I suppose she didn't think about that.

"Tut?" I heard Mala's voice asked.

"Yes?" I said to her.

"You see what happened was. Well, to tell you the truth. Okay, did you bring any food, anything to nibble on? You know for us?" She asked me.

I stayed quiet for a while.

Letting the silence fell between us, I'm sure everyone around us heard her asked me as well.

Since we weren't that separated out.

I refrain from showing a smile or even simply letting out that I was amused about what she just asked.

I cleared my throat, hoping that my voice sounded as serious as possible.

I turned to look at her, giving her the most serious look that I could simply muster.

"Yes, I brought food," I said to her, watching her eyes widened.

A look of relief filled her face.

She smiled.

"Thanks, Tut, I'm glad. Wow, my mind completely forgot about that, but I'm so glad that you brought the food, at least you didn't forget about feeding us. Thanks." She said.

I felt the humor boiling in my stomach as I said.

"Pardon me, I said I brought food. I'm confused about what you're saying." I said to her.

Mala raised a brow.

"I'm thanking you for bringing the food for us. What are you confused about?" She asked me.

I held back my smile, I was sure my face was serious as I said the next part.

"The us part, of course, that's what I'm confused about. I said I brought food, never said it was for us." I said, turning my attention away but taking glances at her.

I watched her mouth dropped open, I heard the snickering coming from the boys.

I even saw a brief smile on the Queen's face, which I'm sure the universe is probably wondering what in the world was that.

I turned to actually look at Mala and her mouth was still dropped open.

A stunned look appeared on her face, she was in disbelief.

Mala, the Planner in disbelief? How is that possible? How did she forget to pack her own food and goodies?

I am sure she mentioned that she would.

"Tut, come on. There's no way you're serious?" She asked me, causing me to widen my eyes.

All in a good act of course.

"Mala, this is a long journey, of course, I am serious," I said to her.

Her mouth shut, I watched as her expression changed.

She was devastated and it was humorous to see but I dropped it.

"Yes, we will be sharing food, I thought of food for both of us," I said to her and watched as her eyes widened on the fact that I was toying with her.

"Tut, that was cruel." She said and laughs came from the boys.

"Maybe, just a little but it is your idea that we are taking this long journey so mind as well form my share of entertainment," I said.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Did you all enjoy this chapter?

I wanted to show that Tut was starting to feel more comfortable around Mala, even more than he already was.

Now he's picking on her, isn't that cute. He's picking on her in a cute way, not a harsh way but come on Mala! How did you forget the food when you planned this!

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-Kassandra Vivu

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