CH. 83 it's what he deserved

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CH. 83 it's what he deserved

(Tut POV)

The person in front of me looked disfigured, but you can still tell that he was a person; you could still tell that he is part of an important rank, someone with status. Someone who was once unable to be touched. Now in front of me, in front of everyone, was my father—a person who was revealed to be a monster. A person who showed everyone that he should be feared and that everyone should turn around and let him do whatever he decides to do.

My father for sure thought that he was untouchable; he never thought that he would be taken down. Not even by one of his children, but here it was happening in front of us.

Even now, I can see the amount of hatred he still had on his face; he still felt everything he felt before this, even though it's what he deserved.

From all the pain he has caused to others, this is what he deserves to have happened to him. My father having this done to him is what is needed to be done.

"You all will feel my wrath; you think that nothing will happen to you, especially when you have done this to me. Watch and see." My father said. How did he even manage to have the energy to speak? It goes beyond me on how he does.

"You say all of this thinking it would make any of us think different of you? You say all of this, but yet it falls on clog ears when it has the same meaning of the evil things you have done. It is amusing how you're not accepting that this is what you deserve, that this is what the Gods and Goddesses believe you deserve." I said

I walked towards my father and tilted my head.

"You think you had every right to do what it is that you did, but in reality, you didn't," I said to him.

"You behave as if existence was something that you created as if you couldn't be stopped. You hurt many people in your life, including your family; you were something that was spoiled rotten from the beginning and was then turned into a monster." I said as I grabbed one of the weapons from the side.

My father stared at me; there was nothing but hatred being reflected towards me, and it didn't bother me. I didn't care about what he thought about me. I didn't care what he ever did think of me.

"You took away the chance of me ever experiencing a mother's love for years; you tried to take away the possibility of me ever experiencing love from someone who wants to be with me, you did that with others and would have continued to do so unless you were stopped," I said to him.

"You even have no regrets," I said to him.

"You call yourself a King when all you were was evil," I said to him, and he laughed.

"You think I'm the only evil person around? There are other evil people around us. Are you going to do what you're doing to me to them?" He yelled.

"I'll do everything I can, but for now, let's just take away one more evil person, and we can handle the rest later on. I would ask if you have any last words." I said to him as I got closer.

"But I don't want to hear any," I said, bringing the knife to my father's neck.

I made direct eye contact with him as I said my last words to him, the last words he would ever hear.

"Ever again," I said, slicing my father's neck open.

Gargle noises came from him; he fought against the restraints that were holding his arms back, but he could not even get free; the fighting he was doing was just making him weaker. I watch as the life left his eyes, I did not break my stare with him.

I continued to stare at him until he was powerless until he was nothing.

I turned to everyone and spoke.

"He's dead; I will be breaking a ritual when I say that he will not be mummified or have a blessed Godly room." I said to them, no one gasp, and no one even muttered a 'why not' it was as if they agreed.

"Then who will you have in the Goldy room and mummified in his place? Surely you know that people will want to know what happened to the King, and no one else but the people here will know the truth." Mala said.

"Well, for now, we won't discuss it, but I already have a plan about it that I speak to you later about," I said to her.

"What will you do with his body?" Mala asked me.

"Well, he is nothing so. It'll be burn." I said.

Mala's eyes widened briefly but returned to how they were before.

"Guards, start the fire. I'm sure you all don't want to see it, so I'm asking for you all to return to your lives, as I know no one will speak to what has happened today. May you all be able to find happiness with the people you have been reunited with. I am sorry it took so long for it to happen." I said to everyone; there were dried tears on some and a relief expression on others.

A monster that some were scared of, a monster that others had no idea was the one behind their pain, was no longer able to cause more pain in their lives.

"Well, I will excuse myself now; my guards will escort you all to a comfortable exit where you all will not be seen or have rumors start of you all being here. I bid you all farewell, and if any of you ever need help in the future. Please do not hesitate to reach out." I said as I walked away.

"Your highness." Someone called out, causing me to turn around; I found everyone bowing to me.

"Thank you." The man said.

"Of course. Take care." I said as I turned around and continue to walk away.

I wanted to go into my room right now, just away from everyone else.

As I entered my home, I heard footsteps behind me; I didn't have to turn around because I already knew who it was.

I walked to the wing where my chambers were and walked towards the doors.

The guards bowed and let me in.

It was when I was entirely in my chamber and heard my doors close was when Mala decided to speak.

"Tut, are you okay?" She asked me in a soft voice.

I turned around to face her, but before I could even speak, she had her arms wrapped around me in a hug.

"It's okay; I am right here," Mala said.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

What do you Dolls think? Does Tut feel anything at all regarding what he just did to his father? Why do you Dolls think Amala hug him?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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