CH. 14 This went Strangely

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CH. 14 This went strangely


As we were heading back towards my chambers with Leo walking next to Mala, not behind her but next to her.

I paid no attention to the curious looks we were getting from the servants. Mala had a plan so we had to get busy.

"How is your brother? I believe he is your, brother. You two resemble each other quite well." Mala said to Leo and Leo gave her a smile.

"Yes, Ramo is my brother. He is well." He said.

"You two must be really close." She asked him and Leo smile never wavered.

"Yes, we're. We only have each other. so our bond is stronger than others." He said and Mala steps started to slow down.

"Is that so?" She asked and He replied saying "Yes, Mistress."

She looked at me with a look, a look I didn't understand. I have heard that Leo and Ramo only had each other but I had nothing to do with them not having other family members and for some reason, it sorta angered me that Mala would question if I did.

I knew I wasn't a man who was innocent of things but surely I would never make children orphans.

She lowered her eyes at me, which is another thing that took me off guard. Did she just?

Surely she remembers I am a King right?

"Ah, then you and Ramo will always accompany Tut and I." She said smiling at Leo and my eyes widen because of this Woman.

Just promoted Leo and his Brother, without even asking me for my permission at all.

Leo's eyes widen as he stared at I and Mala.

I nodded my head letting him know that I agreed with what she said.

Believe me, if I didn't like Leo and his Brother. I would not have agreed with Mala at all, I for one would never let a Woman make rules for me.

I am a King after all.

I might have to refresh her memory later on.

Ah, yes her memory needed to be refresh with who actually had rank around here.

I actually didn't mind it, when we're alone she can boss me around however she wants.

My eyes widen at the thoughts that cross my mind right after I actually finish thinking the previous thought.

Surely, I need more sleep because I can not be picturing Mala and me in such a way.

I eyed her as she speaks to Leo, she carries herself in such a way as if she can't even be touch by the Goddess and Gods themselves.

As if the air around her wasn't meant to be mix with the air around me or the people around here.

But I wanted it, I wanted to be part of it and what she probably doesn't know is that I fight for what I want. Just because I'm a king I don't expect everything to be handed to me. I'm a Man because a real Man fights for what he wants.

We made it to my quarters and went in.

I looked at Leo and Mala, thinking Mala would actually take the head of this conversation but she looked at me and my eyes widen. Oh well look at that, I'm finally allowed to be the King I am.

I went further into my room, Mala and Leo followed close behind.

"Well, it looks like someone was trying to harm Mala and me," I said and Leo's eyes widen as he saw the snake on the floor where Phora threw it.

"Who would dare to do such a thing." He said in shock and I shrugged my shoulders, it bothered me earlier and of course, I was very upset because of the safety of Mala.

Of course, Mala is my top concern.

"Someone who wants to get rid of us. Leo, we need your help. Mala had a plan and she will explain it to you." I said, I didn't actually know all of Mala plan just a bit of it and I think she has the rights to tell her own plan especially if she was the one who came up with it.

"Okay, Leo. Here's the plan." Mala said and begin to tell Leo the plan which Leo listened to her, eyes widening and having respect for the plan at the end and understanding her reason why at the end.

"So, what do you say Leo, are you in?" She asked him and his eyes widen.

to Mala, it probably wasn't something that she was aware of, but people didn't treat servants like that here.

You didn't ask them to do something, you demanded them. In my time, people think the servants have no decision of anything even when it comes to their own life.

Rethinking makes me realize how cruel it is around here, how cruel humans can be.

Doing cruel things to people because of the ranks they have.

It actually makes me frustrated and upset that a Beautiful person like Mala is here, seeing things like this isn't good for her.

I know she isn't as Fragile as she looks but she is to me and all I want to do is protect her.

"I would be honored," Leo said

I gave him a look of admiration, which of course not many people received from me.

To be honest I don't think anyone has received it from me.

Besides Mala and Him.

"Okay, let's do this, you know what to do," Mala said to Leo and Leo nodded his head and begin crying.

Mala and I watch as tears started falling out of his eyes and as he runs out the room.

She turned to me and approached me, while she was walking towards me my eyes scanned her body.

She looks remarkable and I must get more clothes made for her.

"Are you ready?" she asked me and I had a smirk on my face as I stared at her.

"Well, you're the one who is taking charge of the matter so you let me know," I said and her eyes gave me a curious look.

"You're being awfully willing to participate in this plan. what if it doesn't work out?" She asked me pushing me on the floor which made a very loud thud.

She went to grab the snake and wrapped it around my arm.

She got on top of me and pierced my arm with her fingernails.

"Well, let's just say, I always come up with ideas. You've seen nothing yet." She said

I knew from that very moment, the look Mala gave me that she was very right.

That I have not seen what this Woman is capable of yet, the thrill that ran through my body made me aware that I actually am looking forward to seeing what she has in stored.

*Kassandra Speaks*

Well damn my dear Amla, what do you have up your sleeves. Hmm I guess will have to see and it seems like Tut is getting the deep crush for our Amla, at least he noticed that his Era isn't something to be really proud of. He pointed it out how he truly feels about it. I love it How Tut is with his favorite servants, obviously, you can't trust everyone but it is obvious that he trusts the two younger brothers Ramo and Leo quite well. So what do you Dolls think is going to happen in the next chapter? The next chapter will be posted as PRIVATE, so that being said only my loyal DOLLS, who FOLLOW, my page and VOTE, on all the chapters of the story will be able to read it (sips TEA) Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I will see you in the next one. Until then give this chapter a VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE for more. Stay loyal Dolls. xoxoxo -Kassandra Vivu

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