CH. 52 Sweet like Sugar

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CH. 52 Sweet like Sugar

(Amala POV)

The thing I've been finding out about Tut lately is that he's sweet, very sweet like sugar and it's starting to get to me.

Not in a bad way but I'm starting to see that I'm becoming addicted to it and there's nothing wrong with being addicted to someone you're in a relationship with.

As long as it's not overly obsessive and wow, it was easily thought.

The whole being in a relationship with Tut, King Tut, an Ancient King and a man whose life, I was trying to save, a man who I was trying to protect but yet here I am being the one who's being kept safe and being the one who's life, he's worried about.

I guess we could call it protecting each other.

I didn't even know when I fell asleep on him, I don't know how it happened and I found myself trying to recall the last conversation we had before I fell asleep and my face heated just thinking about it.

"Oh, you're up," Tut said.

I sat up in the big tent and saw Tut was standing next to the tent entrance.

"Ready to eat?" He asked me and before I could answer him, my stomach started growling.

"I guess that answered that inquiry." He said letting

out a chuckle.

"Yes, yes it did," I said getting up and wincing at my morning breath.

"Let me get myself ready," I said to him. He nodded his head and left the tent.

I know some people like brushing their teeth after they ate breakfast but I preferred to do it before and after.

It just made me feel more pleasant and clean.

I went outside with a cup, a toothbrush, and toothpaste that I had actually brought with me to this era.

I was honestly that girl that had a little bit of everything in my bookbag.

I was the girl that people in school would either ask for writing utensils, lotion, gum or body spray.

The fact that I actually had them in my bookbag didn't mean I would let them use it or give any to them.

It wasn't my fault they weren't ready.

I was just someone who was always ready and that's just how it was.

I walked outside of the tent and saw that everyone was up already, I made my way behind the tent to brush my teeth and handle my other hygiene.

Hopefully, everyone else did the same thing as well.

I brought my things back inside the tent and made way towards where everyone was sitting.

"Here Mala," Tut said handing me my food.

"Thank you," I said.

"After we are all done eating, we will continue our journey," Tut said.

"I hope you all slept well," I said, as I ate.

"I'm sure you did." The Queen said with a smirk on her face that cause my face to get heated.

Wait, what? What did that mean?

"I'm sure you did as well, pardon me but I never got your name," I said to the man.

His brow rose.

"Never thought I was important enough to share it or thought anyone would care to ask." He said.

"Oh goodness, his name is Tasamon. He's always around my mom and been around her, my whole entire life I believe. He's like family to me and sometimes I think he's my father.... just kidding." Kronos said when he noticed his mom's face turned red.

"That would be impossible." The man whose name is Tasamon said.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"I'm Eunuch." He said and silence fell.

"I'm sorry," I said and I watched as the man's eyes widened, a look crossed his face. A look that he was actually thankful for what I said.

"At least I am not emasculation." He said causing my eyes to widen.

"It doesn't change the fact that it was still and is a horrible thing Tasamon." The Queen said.

I watched the way he turned to look at her and the way she looked at him before she turned her attention away.

I just saw how Queen Renaqua just showed she cares for someone else besides her son.

I didn't want to pry into this man's life, something tells me that his life wasn't a good life and that he has gone through a lot himself.

I don't want to pry into the villain's lives because once you do, you see what turned them into villains in the first place.

Then you start feeling things for them, things that you most likely wouldn't want to feel.

We finished breakfast, I was curious who made breakfast so I asked him.

"I did." He said as he finished packing the things up again.

"Huh, wait. How did you learn?" I asked.

Curious about how he learned to cook, especially in a situation like this.

Members of the Royal family never would bother learning how to cook or knew how to cook.

"From my caretaker growing up, she was close to my mom. She and I would bond together by making delicious food for my mother." Tut said and I noticed that his shoulders lower.

I wanted to compliment him, to tell him that was amazing but I held my tongue because I noticed how his body posture changed from just recalling that.

"It was delicious," I said.

He turned to look at me with a smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll make you something better when we are back home." He said turning around and putting away other things.

He said 'Home'.

I had to hold back a smile.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

I went to give Phora a pat on her head, I got on Zane and we started out again to our journey.

So far it's been good, hopefully, it stays like that.

I took a glance at the Queen and found her speaking to Tasamon.

Those two have history, part of me wonder what it is but the other part is telling me to mind my business.

Amala just gets this journey over with.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)



-Kassandra Vivu

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