CH. 41 This Mother is scary

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CH. 41 This Mother is scary

(Tut POV)

We were done with Breakfast and I looked at Mala, wondering what she had in mind.

Time was running out, and this mother of Krono's will be showing up soon.

This mother happens to be a scary mother and will do anything if she thinks he only kid is in danger.

It goes beyond me why she would ever think that I would put my youngest brother in danger.

I wasn't evil, and there was no way I would ever anyone pay for something another person has done.

That is not in my nature to do such a thing, but I assumed my Mother by law didn't know of that and maybe she's a little scared of what I might do to her son.

She probably doesn't even actually believe I care and have a love for my brother.

It was something beyond me on the fact that she would see me in that light.

I don't know everything she has gone through, but I guess something has affected her in her own life that made her see certain people in the lights that she sees them in.

I looked at my youngest brother Kronos, he is honestly a very good-natured young man and that worries me.

It worries me because his mother is not good, and just because she wasn't always bad doesn't reflect what or who she is today.

Nowadays she is not seen as good or is good, she is seen as evil, he son, on the other hand, is opposite to that.

The fact that her son is a weakness and the only thing that could truly bring her down would soon be seen by a lot of people.

Which also something I would never let happen, I will protect my brother at all cost.

"So, what's the plan Amala?" My brother asked her.

"Well, your mother will be arriving soon so, we will meet her at the entrance. To show her that we are not scared of her, and neither is hiding the fact that we have you. I think we should meet her at the entrance, with you next to us. So not only that she's aware that you're safe, but she is also aware that you also know that she is coming and is waiting for her entrance, you could make her aware of the things that you know. She'll look at Tut and me angrily for sure. Trying to see if we were putting negative thoughts about her in your mind." Mala said to my brother.

Kronos eyes widened.

"You want me to confront my mother?" He asked Mala.

I let out a snort of laughter on the facial expression, Kronos had on his face.

My brother turned to look at me, Ramo and Leo facial looked priceless as they tried to contain their laughs.

"I want to see her reaction to you knowing what she's doing, I want to see if there's a crack somewhere there, where her demeanor changes from seeing that you do not approve of what she's doing," Mala said.

Kronos slowly nodded his head.

"You want to see if she's all the way evil," Kronos said with an understanding look on his face.

Mala eyes widened.

"Uh, wow. Yeah basically, I have some questions that I am prepared to drill her with and I want to see if she cracks just from what you say to her. You obviously mean a lot to her, but I also don't want anyone else to see that besides us, because if everyone else knows that you're her weakness. They'll take that and use that against her. She might not like Tut and me but there is no way in shape or form that we would ever hurt you." Mala said I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Mala has a point, it would give her a better insight on who she will be dealing with," I said.

"Who we will be dealing with," Mala said correcting me.

"Yes, who we will be dealing with but unlike you. I've already dealt with my mother by law." I said she nodded her head slowly.

"Okay, I think we should head towards the entrance right now." She said I raised a brow.

"Why do you think we should head there now?" I asked her, curious about why she wanted to go already.

"I just have a feeling that she'll be there when we get there." She said as she started walking away, I turned to look at the boys. We all shrugged as we followed her.

Phora walked right next to Mala and we just continued to walk behind her.

I watch her as she continued walking, she patted phora head and as she walked passed a window. The sunlight hit her with the rays and I almost tripped on how beautiful she looked.

I smiled softly, looking at her. I felt like I was being stared at so I lowered my eyes to find all three boys looking at me with a smirk on their faces.

"Yes?" I asked them curious about why they were staring at me.

"Nothing really, just you know. You're smiling really hard right now." Kronos said Ramo let out a giggle.

"Yes, I believe that is something called love making him smile like that," Ramo said and all three boys start to laugh.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"What do you three know about love?" I asked them, silence fell.

Kronos spoke. "When you realize that you cannot be without them." He said in a soft tone.

"When you just want to be around that person no matter what, knowing that just being around them will comfort you," Ramo said.

"Knowing that person is the only person you will ever have such emotions for and knowing that you crave them in so many ways that words can not express how you do. That is an insight into what love is." Leo said smiling softly.

My eyes widened looking at all three boys.

"Well.... I stand corrected, have you, boys, been listening to poets?" I asked them curiously where they got that choice of words from.

"No, it's just what we've seen," Leo said.

"Are you guys going to walk faster or not?" Mala said turning around facing us.

"Coming woman, calm down will you," I said rushing to her, I got to her side and forgot to asked the boys what they meant by that.

I supposed they'll tell me later from where they've seen that from.

"What were you four talking about?" Mala asked me.

"Oh nothing you should worry about," I said, smiling.

"My poor babies were probably getting tired of you." She said laughing.

"Your poor babies huh?" I asked her.

"Yes, and I'll do anything to protect all three of them." She said in a serious tone.

My eyes widened.

Wow, this mother is definitely scary.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Aww, how cute are they!!!! I mean all of them, The Queen shows up in the next chapter, do you Dolls think she will be mad?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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