CH. 33 Finally, we're here

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CH. 33 Finally, we're here

(Amala POV)

We were finally back to Tut's place, Tut didn't mind having everyone that came with us stay in the back quarters of his place for the night. I was glad he even assisted, especially with his Mother in law around.

There's no saying what she would do when she goes home and realizes that her son and the people she has taken aren't where she's left them.

On our way home, I did happen to have overheard Tut and his brother conversation, it took me off guard on how Kronos, Tut's brother had an understanding of what was going on. That he knew how his mother was and that the love he has for her isn't blind to what she has done or continues to do. Kronos indeed is a very bright you man and does have a different heart from his brother. I wanted to listen in more, that I had found myself falling on Tut's lap.

I felt my face get heated from the fall that happened. I had to play it off and apparently, my acting skills played off well.

They thought I was still asleep and to be quite honest, I honestly wished I was still sleeping. I wouldn't have felt what I did but I was so glad that I managed to stay like that without alerting them that I was actually up.

"Mala?" I turned around, to find Tut looking at me with a curious look.

"Yes?" I asked him, not able to make eye contact with him ever since we got back. It was like everything just popped back into my mind. The kiss, the way he made me feel. The way it felt having his fingers run through my hair.

The whole thing was driving me crazy and making me feel something that I have never felt before. What is going on with me?

Why am I feeling this much for a man who isn't even from the same era from me, this whole thing should be taboo. This is someone from the past, our paths should have never crossed but yet here I am, in his time with him. Finding myself falling for him when I shouldn't be.

"The people want to thank you." He said bringing me back from my thoughts.

"They want to thank me?" I ask, confused at first.

"Yes, you do realize what you did for them is something that they would never expect right? I understand you're from a different time, but people in my time are not used to these gestures. These people are not used to a kind humble heart person like you." Tut said, my eyes widened letting his words register, it was something I knew deep inside but I didn't think through it all the way.

Tut tilted his head to the side, I knew he was analyzing my face. Most likely trying to figure out what I was thinking about.

"It would mean a lot to them Mala. This was your plan, you made this happened and they know that, so of course, they would want to thank the person that made it all possible, especially if they got their children back." He said in a soft voice, I nodded my head.

Making my way towards him so we could go to the people earlier.

"Thank you." He said to me, I looked up at him confused on to why he thanked me.

"You know I should be thanking you too right? If it wasn't for you? I could have possibly been killed many times already. These people would have been tricked by the evilness that was surrounding them, but you came along and you helped them see that they were being toyed with and you also helped me see many things also. So, I should be the main one thanking you." He said, giving me a soft smile.

"Your welcome." I found myself saying, not knowing what else to say.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked me with concern in his voice.

"No, why?" I answered, knowing that there wasn't something directly wrong, I was just feeling things that I didn't think I would have felt for another person that's all.

"It's just that, you would have taken the praise of me thanking you, a little more playful, is there something on your mind that you want to talk about? You know you can talk about anything with me, I'll do the same with you. I would want us both to have that form of a relationship after all." He said causing my eyes to widen on the word relationship.

"Nothing is wrong, it's just. I just feel different that's all." I said, watching as he raised a brow with a confused facial expression.

"You're feeling different? I don't understand?" He said and I let out a sigh.

"Well, I think my feelings for you are being shown to me more, the things that you say have an effect on me and they mean quite a lot to me also, which actually means a lot coming from me. I usually don't care about what people think of me or what they have to say about me at all what so ever but with you, I find myself caring about what you think, I find myself wanting to know that things that concern you or the things that are running through your mind and I care about how you feel. So these are all new feelings for me but as you've already seen and probably know. I am not the type of person to back down from anything so I won't back down from what I feel about you, I just wanted you to know this." I said letting out a long breath, glad I got what I had to get off my chest.

I looked to find Tut staring at me with a wide smile on his face that cause my heart to beat twice against my chest.

"Did you just confess to me?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yes," I answered, causing his eyes to widened and the smirk dropped from his face on the fact that I answered without even hesitating.

Letting me know he definitely wasn't expecting that.

"I'm not hiding my feelings from you Tut, it is what it is," I said.

He nodded his head, I watched as he looked like he was trying to figure out what to say.

"Shall we go?" I asked him, putting my hand out. He looked down at my hand, place his hand on mine and looked back up at me.

I give him a small smile, squeezing his hand. I was nervous because I didn't know what was running through his head that very moment but I wanted him to be ready to say whatever it was when he was ready to say it.

"Yes, we shall my Queen." He said leading the way, while still holding my hand. My heart leaps on what he just called me.

He called me his Queen, that was definitely something I wouldn't mind hearing, again and again.

I have no problem with making Tut my King, I had no problem with making him my equal. I just hope he felt the same way.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Ooooo lalalala, seems like Amala is falling hard, what do you Dolls think? Do you Dolls think Tut notices too? How do you Dolls think Tut feels right now?

Comment your answers!!!!!!!!!!!! Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!

-Kassandra Vivu

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