CH. 54 Glad it happened

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CH. 54 Glad it happened.

(Amala POV)

Honestly, for a second there. I thought I was a goner.

There were three times I thought that, well this is it. I'm going to die.

The first time was when I fell through the hidden entrance,  a minute ago I was talking to everyone and then the next I was falling, for some reason I started gasping for air.

As if I was underwater. That was the first time where it was settled. That this was it.

The second time was when I fell, I made a loud sound. It was half a scream and half a groan.

That loud noise, of course, drew attention, I didn't even have time to admire my surroundings. Objects that look like spears were pointed at me.

I had raised my hands, letting them know I was no threat and I even tried to tell them about the Queen, my heart dropped when they yelled at me in a language. A language I very well couldn't understand.

I almost wanted to fake passing out, thinking that would save me some time until Tut and everyone else figured out how to get here.

It didn't take to long for Tut and The Queen to come down, I felt saved.

Until I saw the Queen cry, that was the third time I thought I was going to die but come to find out they were happy tears, tears of relief.

This time we were saved because they knew the Queen, I could finally put my worries aside for now.

Which led us here, to actually in a place that looks like a conference room made with stones and other materials.

Of course, I was paying attention to what was being said, well half of my attention. Most of my attention was towards the beautiful structure that these people made, the fact that these people made an underground city and here I was in it.

Surrounded by the people who made it.

I was fangirling, all the way.

My eyes took everything in, why wouldn't they? It was hard not to, this was something that I was passionate about.

The Queen and the people she was talking to were looking at me, they were saying something and I suppose it was about me because Tut looked at me as well.

If it was any other time I wouldn't even be worried but I was curious about what they were discussing.

Tut grabbed my face and kissed me.

My eyes widened, what was he doing?

Why was he kissing me now?

"Mala? Do you understand what is being said right now?" He asked.

"Yes? Why wait? I'm speaking a different language. This is so cool." I said with giddiness found in my voice.

"Renequa she is different, where have you encountered this girl?" The man asked the Queen.

I didn't know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment but to me, being different was a compliment and that's how I was going to take it.

"For her to tell you, I'm afraid it would be a very long story indeed," Tut said.

Everyone else was with us now, I honestly don't know how they were able to get the horses in the underground city or how they were also able to get Phora as well, although I did have to come to calm down Phora and Zane. Apparently, they weren't very cooperative at first.

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