Ch. 12 she should be Queen

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CH. 12 She should be Queen

(Tut POV)

I kept walking, ignoring Mala protest. Did she not realized that she almost died a couple minutes ago and that one of these people had to do with it but yet she is the first to jump to protect them?

If only they knew how much of a good person she was, but yet that's what people do.

They take advantage of your good heart, they destroy it by hurting you and draining all your energy leaving you to turn into a person that no longer gives a care about others well beings but your own but they're the first to question how could you be so cruel, how could you be so mean and heartless failing to realized with their small mindset that they're the ones who made you like that.

Yes, that is exactly how I felt, I was waiting for the good things to happen in my life. I was made into this supposed 'King' that is supposed to have thick skin and be able to take anything but there is so much a person could actually take.

I had my whole country on my shoulder but yet my people turn on each other base on the range of their skin tones and their beliefs.

Sometimes I go on the verge of being sad and emotional but then I remember who I am and then I stop and just do what I have to do.

Like what I'm going to do right now.

Get rid of the person who did this.

These people have turned cruel and they need to be reminded to stay in their place, they need to be reminded who is actually the person who has rank around here.

They need to be in fear and this is the only way I can make them feel that.

"Tut you need to listen to me, this is not the way Tut okay. this is not the way to handle this trust me. People do this from where I am from and it still starts wars. You might want to think your little insane plan through." Mala said but I only rolled my eyes at her speech.

"ah, so people in your time fail to realize things also. nice to know things haven't changed at all no matter what time period you're in." I said which caused her to look at me with her mouth dropped open.

I stopped and stared at her face, I honestly wanted to smirk and say something about her mouth being dropped open, but of course, me being me saved that for last. This was something to wait on for a better time as of right now I needed to get down to what was going on and figure out how to deal with it because deep inside I knew I couldn't just start killing people nonstop. I mean that would be what the old Tut.....

My eyes widen......

Mala became more confused and finally asked me "What's going through your head of yours, please don't tell me you're picturing ways to kill those people there is no way you're that evil Tut come on now." She said but I held my hand up so I could finally say what was on my mind.

"What if the person wanted me to react this way and start killing people?" I asked her hoping she understood where I was going with what I was saying and her eyes to started widening.

"Correct what if they wanted you to react that way! what if they wanted you to start killing people which means that they want the people to see this side of you, which could only mean that they're trying to make the people see that you're cruel and possibly turned their back against you." She said and I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"The person had to think this true, we're not giving this person much credit as we think we're. It would mean that this person would know that Phora would be with us. The whole kingdom probably now know's I have Phora with us all the time which means the person who planted the snake knew that also." I said seeing that she was following where I was going with this.

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