Ch. 19 First thing first

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CH. 19 First thing first

(Amala POV)

I was honestly done with all of this, these people wanted to kill him for what? What was the reason? I was going to say that people back in this time weren't the smartest but then I remember that people in my time could be dumb from time to time too. So I refrain that thought from finishing.

I looked at the woman and her son who just happened to come in was confused, he had no idea what was going on. I didn't have time for that, I wanted to get him up to date.

"Your mother was poisoning the King because she was told that you were killed and the King had something to do about it. So she took matters into her own hands, I suppose basically her taking revenge for her son's death. Only to find out that her son wasn't killed, but alive. So I see this was all a huge bad misunderstanding that needs to get resolved as soon as possible." I said and the woman hung her head in shame as her son's eyes widen, looking at his mother.

"Mother, I told you that I had to leave and not to worry about me when I was able to come to get you I would." Her son said.

I turned to look at the man who was sitting behind the huge desk, he was silent. Not saying anything, as if he was taking things in. I still held onto Tut though, I was not moving from where I was.

"I saw your clothes filled with blood, they told me you were killed. They told me you died. I am so sorry and If you want to give me death I understand. I have done bad things for my son but he is my only kin and there was nothing I wouldn't do." The mother said.

"Well, they knew that. That's why they brought you in as a puppet, so tell us the story because we all really want to know." I said, going back to running my fingers through Tuts hair, for some reason Tut was leaning into the gesture more.

It didn't take a genius to realize that he was enjoying this and truthfully I didn't mind doing it.

I was using this as an advantage, I noticed he like it and I kept doing it realizing that this was putting him in a calm mood. I have a feeling if it wasn't for me doing this right now that Tut would be flipping out, going into an angry storm and to be truthful I've never seen King Tut mad but for some reason. I had a feeling that I most likely didn't want too.

"A group of Men, he that man behind the table was part of that group but he was nothing like the others, The others are much crueler, it was like they were surrounded by darkness as if they have been angry for a very long time and decided to take action. They came to my home telling me that my Son was taken in by you, That the King has a habit of taking people's Kins, that they end up disappearing and never to be seen by their family again. It's been told that you kill them or use them for whatever evil things have crossed your mind. Being shown the clothes of my Son that were damped with blood, also being shown something he never takes off, got to me. I had to believe it was true. Zaxton never takes off that bracelet, it belonged to his father and he treasures it always." She said taking a bracelet off her arm.

She showed us and Her son's eyes widen.

"The bracelet was stolen from me. I was robbed and someone took the bracelet and the bag of clothes I had, I thought it was suspicious how someone would just rob me taking the bracelet and bag of clothes, without seeing if I had money but I thought it was just because maybe that person was in need of clothing. I was angry about the Bracelet and remembering the King and I had discussed it with him when he noticed my face gesture when it came to meeting with him. Mother, I did tell you that I was going away and you do not need to worry, I told you when I could I would come for you and explain when I did. Why didn't you just believe me." Her son said  causing  his mother turned to look at him.

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