CH. 85 Scary yet comforting

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CH. 85 Scary yet comforting

(Tut POV)

It scares me, yet it is comforting to see how much Mala notices things about me, some things that I either haven't been aware of myself or some things that I have decided weren't important to acknowledge.

My feelings when it came to things like this were something that I would have brushed aside, which is what I've done for many years.

Ever since I was a child, I've brushed my feelings aside. Why? Because I was told from a young age that feelings aren't necessary. Not when you're born to be a King, a King who doesn't show any emotions and doesn't let feelings get in the way.

"I know it's hard to show your feelings. I am aware, but I don't want you ever to feel like you can't talk to me about anything. Tut, you and I are partners; we will have each other back no matter what, and there is no way I will let you go through that alone." Mala said to me.

I stared at her and sigh, as I pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're truly an amazing human being, and I cherish every single time I am with you," I said to her.

"Don't worry; I won't hide my feelings from you," I said to her.

"Good, you better not." She said.

"Oh? Or what? What is it that you're going to do, Mala?" I asked her, raising a brow.

"Huh? Nothing, but I'm just saying you better not. We've come too far to be hiding our feelings from each other." She said to me with a soft smile on her face.

"I hope I've gained your trust, just like you have gained mine." She said, shrugging her shoulder.

As if she just said an average thing that didn't have my heart beating.

"You're genuinely the most precious human being to me. Honestly, I treasure you." I said as I touched her face softly.

"Thank you for entering my life," I told her. What I didn't expect was it to make her let out a small laugh.

"Aww, look at this. King Tut is thanking me for entering his life. I can't believe it. Well, I am glad to be in your life, and I am happy that you're part of my life." She said, giving me that beautiful smile that showed me what she called dimples on her face.

"Yeah, okay, anyway. How do you think everyone else is taking what happened?" I asked her, referring to my father no longer being amongst us.

With him being dead and all.

"Well, from the looks of it from earlier. Some of them had a look of relief on their face, while others couldn't believe it happened. The look of shock had confirmed I'm sure that some were glad that he has finally been killed and is no longer able to cause pain as he did before to them." I said, and Mala nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes, I know. As I saw the same looks, you saw. I'm glad that the people were able to feel relief from what happened, and also, it is good that they would no longer feel pain and suffering from that man ever again." Mala said.

She tilted her head and looked at me.

"So what is it that we do now, Tut?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, not understanding her question but yet curious at the same time.

"What is it that you would like to do now? We've both handled the troubles that we needed to handle. Unless there's going to be more that shows up soon, which I hope not, what is it that you would like to do?" Mala said, giving me a soft smile.

"Well, I think a break would be nice. Would you care to go somewhere else for a visit?" I asked her and watch her eyes widened.

"You mean like a vacation?!" She said her smile widening.

"Uh, yes. That, a vacation. Would you like to take one? I think it would be nice if we did." I said.

Mala nodded her head; I could see the excitement making her way through her body.

"Can I pick a place?" She asked me; I raised a brow to that.

I would suggest a place to go, as much as Mala has a love for History and has knowledge in that field.

When it comes to living in the era and knowing the places I would be okay with visiting, that should be left to me, of course.

I would be making the best decision with both of us in mind.

"Let us go to Anatolia." She said, smiling.

I tilted my head. Not surprised that she even knew about the place.

"We can, we can. I'm sure you'll find a lot to see there." I said, and she nodded her head.

"Yes, of course, because I will see it in this era. You see, Anatolia is still standing, but it is much different in my era. Anatolia's name is changed; it is called Turkey now." Mala said, going into a history rant which I've heard many times before and just happened to have found myself sitting there and listening to it even more.

I started smiling at her rambling, knowing if I didn't stop her soon, she would be rambling for hours. Knowing that both she and I have not eaten yet, it would be best to stop her.

Though I didn't want her to think that I was trying to interrupt her rudely, I continue to smile and then said, "Mala, I don't believe we have eaten yet, are you hungry?" I asked her, watching her eyes widened.

As soon as that happened, her stomach let out a growl.

I let out a small laugh.

"See, even your stomach agrees," I said to her; she lowered her eyes shyly.

"Yes, well, I am hungry. Let us go eat." She said.

"Yes, let's eat," I said, taking her hand in mine and walking out of my chambers.

The thing is, I don't think I would be able to be okay with what just happened if Mala wasn't by my side.

Her just being by my side is a comfort to me. A comfort that I didn't know I would enjoy having until now.

The thing that now causes me to worry is will Mala want to go back home or not?

After all, she's not from this time.

We've discussed this before; her mother and grandmother are trying to find a way to come here. Will Mala want to go back with them?

The thought of that made my heart clench.

Will I even be able to be okay with that happening if she does decide to go back to her era?

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Oh my, what will Tut even do? Don't forget, Amala's Mother and Grandmother are trying to come to Tut's era to bring Amala back home. What do you all think Amala's decision will be when that happens? Do you think she'll stay or go?

Let me know in the comments.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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