CH. 59 Protect her at all cost

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CH. 59 Protect her at all cost

(Tut POV)

We were back at my home; I made sure to take care of Mala the whole way there.

I could tell she was nervous; of course, I had her explain it to me, and from her time, she had things that could prevent pregnancy.

The thing is I wouldn't mind having a child with Mala, or children.

The thought of that makes me smile, but of course, with her consent.

This was a conversation neither of us had, and this was something she didn't want.

I would hope that it would be for only right now.

Surprisingly we managed to get the Queen to stop her evil doings; of course, it wasn't something that could be forgiven or forgotten.

The thing that most people think is that you're supposed to forgive everyone.

That isn't true, sometimes people don't deserve forgiveness, and you shouldn't let anyone force you to believe that you not wanting to forgive someone is wrong.

It's not, what's wrong is what that person did.

You're allowed to have your thoughts when it comes to who you decide to forgive and who you decide not to.

That is your will, and no one has that power to take that from you.

So I could never forgive the Queen or forget what she did because that's something that can't happen, but I will let her decide what fate she wants to have when it comes to being able to overcome her past and the horrible things she has done.

I was watching Mala as she spoke to her mother on what she calls a cell phone.

Of course, she and I were both shocked that something like that was able to work in my era.

She was shocked as well, as she went into a whole explanation about how this was supposed to be impossible, although I did listen. I quite frankly had no idea what she even was talking about.

I would have to make sure when it came to Mala, that no outside knows these things.

I did respect her decisions with her; she appointed me to work as her guard.

She also became respected in the village we went to and also the fact that she was able to return the children to their families.

Now the people were calling her a Goddess, that was sent to them from another world.

Well, they weren't far off.

"Mom, I didn't know I had condoms in my safety bag, and neither did I know you put that there. I was never interested in sex. You know school is important to me." I heard Mala say.

My eyes widened.

School. That's right; Mala had her schooling and life in her era.

She was planning on doing many things with her life, and now she's here with me.

In my era, where she didn't plan to be.

"Plan what? How are you going to make sure I get that?" She said to the phone.

"Phora, protect Mala. I'll be back." I said to the cheetah, who became alerted.

"Good girl," I said, walking out of the chambers to let Mala talked to her mother privately.

I was walking down the hallways until I saw the boys coming towards me.

"Boys?" I said when I noticed the look on their faces.

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