CH.22 Let's do it

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CH. 22 Let's do it

(Tut POV)

We were back in my chambers, sitting on the bed. Doors were shut, what happened earlier still had my mind in chaos.

The fact that I had so much in my mind that was going on right now, I had so much to think about and I had so much to do.

My mother by law wanted me dead, she wanted to use other people children and Mala to make that happen. I knew the woman was off her mind but to find out she way beyond to reach the level of insanity.

Mala came up with a plan and when she took the time to explain it to everyone in the room, I didn't miss the looks she received. People were looking up to her, they were admiring her. She had the people who were trying to kill me feel wronged and so much respect for her.

It took me off guard, the way Mala was, the way she carried herself and behaved. It took me off guard that she didn't notice that she behaved like a leader. Nothing like a follower.

"So we go tomorrow? We also go through with my plan right? How do you feel about it?" She asked me and I turned to make eye contact with her.

Her eyes held so much concerned and it dawned on me that she was worried, she was worried about me? She cares about my input.

"I think you wanting to kidnap my younger half-brother is what can save these children, it will also pause the Queen's plan. It will make her mind go crazy also, she won't know what to do. What I know about my mother by law is that there isn't anything she wouldn't do for her son. She lives through him. Her son being King is all she could ever dream about." I said to her and she nodded her head but she looks like she was deep in thoughts.

"So you care about me?" I asked her, wondering what her answer would be. She looked at me again and raised a brow.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I didn't know you cared that much about me or my well being," I said and she let out a sigh.

"Learning about you from my time, it was sad hearing your story I did feel bad about your history, right now it's different because I actually got to meet you. I'm actually getting to know. Well, this just changes everything." She said but for some reason, I felt like that wasn't what I really wanted to hear.

Did I want to hear something else?

I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"I just want to get these people children back, I admit I did feel angry that my own people didn't trust me and believe that I had nothing to do with something like that," I said and I felt Mala come to sit near my head, she was looking down at me.

"You can't dwell on that, they're parents who were fooled. You'll understand if you ever become a parent that there is nothing that a parent who loves their child will do." She said and I stared at her.

"Your mother must be worried," I said, feeling bad that she was here while she was also someone's child. Mala was showing me that she was a great person, surely people will miss her from back home.

My eyes widen, did she have someone back home? Someone like a lover? surely she doesn't? she would have told me right?

She gave me a sad look.

"Speaking of my mother." She said getting off the phone and grabbing her bag.

She came back on the bed with her items.

"My things are in my bag and it's strange how they work here. I mean there's no cell towers or anything, I shouldn't even be able to use them but I'm taking my chances and being grateful for these being able to work. I have a power saver and my phone is fully charged, I am also able to charge my phone through my laptop also and you have no idea what I'm talking about." She said as she was looking at me.

I knew for a fact I was giving her a look that would describe that I thought she was insane that very moment.

She let out a breath as she took something out her bag.

"My mom blew my phone up." She said and I was going to ask her what she meant when she looks like she was doing something on what she called a phone.

I raised myself up to come closer at her to look at what she was doing.

A human being showed up on her screen and my mouth dropped open.

"Mom!" she said and the human being eyes widen.

"Amala, where were you? I thought you would stay near your phone. Do you know how worried me and your grandmother are and who is that person near you." She said and I couldn't believe there was a human on such a small device.

"Tut, this is my Mother. Mother this King Tut." Mala said and suddenly someone else came into the picture, an older woman who eyes widen when she looked at me.

"Oh my my, you're one handsome man. History sure lied, I see no problems with your looks or you." The older woman said which caused me to raise a brow.

"Grandma, that's what I was thinking. I think something happened that made him like that and for some reason, it messed up his body to make it seem like he was always like that when clearly he wasn't." I said and the woman who appears to be her grandmother nodded her head.

Her mother spoke. "Amala, we need to get you back here." Her Mother said and Mala nodded her head.

"Yes, right after I save Tut of course." She said which caused all three of us to be shocked by her answer, but her answer made me feel happy. She was going to stay a little longer for me.

"Amala, listen here. We can get you out of there on the full moon and we don't know if they're going to be more chances to get you out." Her mother said and Mala look like to be in deep thoughts.

"Now, I'm sure there's more way we just stopped when we found out the first way. Will look for more if you feel like there's something important you need to take care of then take care of it. We know how you get." Her Grandmother said causing her mom to turn to look at her.

Her mom let out a sigh.

She turned to look at me.

"If anything happens to my daughter." She said and I nodded my head.

"She pretty much is behaving like a Queen here and taking charge. I'm just following her orders." I said causing her grandmother to laugh.

"That's the Amala we know, Amala will contact you later. We want you to save your battery, which I don't know how it's working there but bless that." My grandmother said.

"Okay bye," Mala said but her mother cut her off.

"Stay out of trouble okay." Her mother said and Amala nodded her head.

"Of course." She said waving her hand and she pressed a button causing the screen to darken.

"Do you miss home?" I asked her as she places the phone on the bed.

"Yeah, I do." She said and I nodded my head.

"Is it only your family you miss?" I asked her.

She raised a brow.

"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"You know if there's someone you have. Like a Lover that is also missing you." I said and she threw her head back and burst out laughing. As if the idea of her being someone romantic lover was insane.

"I'm not with anyone, I'm single as a Pringle." She said making me wonder what exactly is a Pringle.

"Oh, so no romantic lover?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"No why do you ask?" She asked me and I leaned myself back on the bed.

With a smile on my face, shrugging my shoulders.

"No reason. just wondering," I said.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Really Tut? Just wondering? Yeah right, anyway I can't wait til they kidnap his younger half-brother because it gets interesting. Until then, give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT ALSO a Share would be nice.


-Kassandra Vivu

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