CH. 80, so this is it?

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CH. 80, so this is it?

(Amala POV)

Tut is going to be part of the group who ends his Dad.


The remaining people were now, here together. The people who had yet to have been reunited with their loved ones were finally reunited with them.

Now they were talking to Tut, in loud voices.

"He should be ended immediately." One of them yelled.

"We can all just killed him together." Another person said.

Murmurs were heard all around.

Another person spoke.

"As much as I want him dead. I don't want to kill him myself. I am no murderer, but I do believe he deserves everything coming to him." The person said as he held the woman next to him tightly.

I watch as the woman held him tightly back as if she was afraid to let him go as well.

"I agree with him." Someone else said.

I looked around at every woman that this horrible man has tortured and spoke.

"With all due respect, I understand you all have been affected by what this horrible King has done, but let me remind you all. It is the women that are here who were affected by him mentally, emotionally, and physically. So, they are the ones who deserve to say what they want to be done to him. Not any of you." I said.

Each stare that was directed to King Tut was turned now to me.

I stood my ground.

I simply said what I said, and it was the truth behind every word.

"She's right." said the man who previously spoke about not being able to kill the King physically.

"Pardon me, but who are you?" Another asked.

"She was the one who got us out; she has every right to speak." The woman next to the man said,

His eyes widened, and he nodded his head.

"She's also my Queen, and she has spoken; she is right as per usual. So, the ladies will have the main say on what should happen to him, but the rest of us will have a say as well, as he had affected us too. Right, my Queen." Tut said, staring at me.

I knew what he meant by that; I nodded my head as he was right.

The thing about Tut and I is that, yes, we were a couple. Yes, we love each other and have proven that not only emotionally but also physically, but most importantly. We are a couple who seems to understand communication.

I listen to what he has to say, and he listens to me; we come together in the middle and agree on it together.

Usually, he'll let me do what I feel is right, but only if he comes in the middle with me about certain things.

"Yes, I agree," I said. As it was true, I wanted them also to let the women in here to have a say, though.

"Both of them are right. So, what is it going to be?" Ask a man.

My attention was taken away at that moment as I turned it to King Tut's mom; she was leaning against the wall.

I stared at her and watched her continue to stare at everyone else.

I turned my attention back to Tut and found that his brothers have happened to be here now as well.

I turned my attention back to his mother and decided to walk towards her.

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