CH. 39 As you are.

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CH. 39 As you are.

(Tut Pov)

Everything about her just intrigued me, I found myself wanting to know more and more. I found myself craving things being told in details that I wouldn't care if it was anyone else.

She just made everything sound different.

When it came to her, I just simply saw everything differently.

I like her, as who she is right now.

We were currently in bed, I was laying down as she was sitting and talking about her childhood.

I sat there listening to her, laughing at parts that were filled with humor and smiling as she spoke about things that she enjoyed.

"Sounds like you didn't have a bad childhood," I said.

"There were times where it got rough, but I'm glad that I survived through it." She said looking at me.

"I'm glad to, or you wouldn't be here right now," I said.

"Well, I'm trying to get the same thing to happen to you." She said in a soft voice.

"What is that this history has told you about my life. I'll clarify what's true and not true." I said, wanting to know how much people of her time actually knew.

"Well, let's see. Your father Akhenaten who is also known as Amenhotep was believed to have epilepsy, Marfan's syndrome and other issues." Mala said, I've asked her to explain them to me and I nodded my head.

"He could have epilepsy, but I'm not sure about the syndrome, but I suppose you will know more about those things than me," I said, being honest with my words

"Also, it's stated in history that you married your half-sister." She said, causing me to make a disgusted facial expression.

"Does it say why? Also who forced me to do so? Because there is no way I would be willing to do something like that." I said, already feeling disgusted.

"Does it even mentioned which half-sister? It doesn't even matter on which one because I see them as they are. Sisters, nothing more. I'm planning on breaking that tradition, marrying your siblings and birthing with them." I said.

Her eyes widened.

"You should, it is what is causing so much illness and defects in your family tree." She said. I nodded my head having an understanding.

"Also, in history, it was told you had serious problems. A matter of fact, it was told that you were extremely deformed." She said.

"Well, as you can tell. I'm not unless it all starts happening at once out of nowhere." I said, not questioning that things like this could happen. Especially with my era, some things like this just appear and happen out of nowhere.

After all, Mala was proof of that.

"I think, I shouldn't tell you anymore." She said I tilted my head to the side.

"That's probably best," I said, being truthful with my words.

I didn't want to feel paranoid about knowing these things were things that have happened to me, especially not knowing how who or where it started.

She laid down, turned to her side and faced me.

"I won't let these bad things happen to you." She said with a determined look on her face.

"You'll be the Goddess who watches over and protects me?" I asked her, smiling.

"Yes." She said, in a serious tone.

I let out a sigh, bringing her closer to me on the bed.

"Then, we'll be protecting each other," I said, placing my head on the side of her neck.

"That's completely fine." She said she brought her arms around me.

"So when do you think the Queen will get here?" She asked me.

"I'm saying tomorrow when the sun starts to set. She will be there by then." I said, loving the way it felt having her hand rub my back.

"You think she thinks we did something to your brother?" Mala asked me.

"I don't know what goes through that woman mind, I honestly can't give you the answer to that but I can tell you that my brother is the only one she truly cares for," I said being honest with my words.

It was true, that woman mind was a mind that I want nothing to do with and didn't even want to deal with.

"As I said before, she must have gone through something that has caused her to be how she is now," Mala said.

I let out another sigh.

"Even if that is true Mala, sometimes people are into deep that there is nothing that can bring them back," I said, choosing my words wisely.

I had no idea what Mala was planning on doing but I was hoping that she didn't think that she would be able to turn the Queen into a good person.

"What you're saying about something having to have been the reason she became this way might be true, but it's not like she'll suddenly become good or even become who she is again. Sometimes scars stay with us Mala, sometimes they become part of us and maybe the scars that she has come to have, are now part of her." I said.

"The world isn't cruel, it's just the people in it," Mala said.

I turned my body, laying on my back and bringing her with me.

She laid her head on my chest.

"Is there cruel people in your era?" I asked her.

"Yes, there are cruel people in my era. I guess that's one thing that's going to be hard to get rid of. The cruel people that happen to inhabit this world in every era." She said in a soft voice.

"You seem to be the person that tries to look for the good in everyone, Mala. That can get you hurt, don't expect people to have a good in them, don't go digging in either." I said, hoping she listened to my advice.

A heart like Mala is not destined to be in this era, maybe not destined to be in this world.

"Even the devil was once an angel," Mala said.

"Sorry, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about." She said.

"Did the devil not changed and never went back to being this so-called angel? Did the devil not stay evil forever? Some people can change, some cannot. Do not forget that Mala, don't go trying to find the good in others, especially when there isn't any." I said.

"Okay." She said in a soft voice.

But something in me told me that she still didn't let that defeat her.

I was going to have to pay close attention to Mala, because if others know she has that type of heart.

They'll use it against her.

They'll want to take it as an advantage.

I kissed her forehead.

Making a promise to myself.

Protect her at all cost, no matter what.

I couldn't help myself for falling more for her, she's amazing as she is.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Amala is so sweet, isn't she?

Do you all agree with Amala or Tut?

Do you all think The Queen has some good in her?

Comment your answers!!!

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-Kassandra Vivu

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