Chapter 5 I should what?

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Chapter 5 I should what?

Amla POV

As we were headed back to the Palace, more questions started popping in my head.

I mean, the Queen bitch did that for a reason, didn't she. Something didn't feel quite right to me. What was the Queen motive?

Surely the Queen had a backup plan, I look at the little kids that were in front of me and saw how they were all cuddled up with their parents.

How can some one try to destroy these people?

It was obvious to me that the Queen was some one really evil, some one hasn't put her in her place yet. Well I'm here now and if she thinks that she can mess with people like she use to, well she got another thing coming.

I look at King Tut and saw that he was already staring at me, His eyes seem to look like they were staring through my soul. Which gave me a vibe I've never got before.

What was up with this dude, I mean I didn't know what I expected the real King Tut to be like, heck I mean I really never thought to much into it. But now that I am with him, this is not what I expected.

"Something on your mind Mala? Wish to get it out?"

I blink and squinted my eyes, I feel like he was testing me. I don't know why but it feels like this guy likes playing games.

"Of course not your Highness." I said and turning my head so I wouldn't make eye contact with him anymore.

I assume that we arrive to the palace because there was a halt.

Tut got out and then gave me his hand, I stared at it for a couple of seconds and finally took it. He help me get outside and I look around me, the Palace did truly look beautiful.

"Ah damn it, where's my Iphone, I'm trying to take pictures and selfies in front of this amazing art but I can't. Heck where is my stuff?" I asked finally realizing that none of my stuff were with me, were they still in Tut bath room?

Rasheem and his family got out also.

"Guards, these our are guest, they will be staying with us. Please show them to their room in the east section." King Tut and the guards replied with their usual yes Majesty.

I walked up to King Tut, I understood that Rasheem family had a story for being here and all. But what was mine? I'm like trying to leave.

He turned his head and saw me walking up to him about to open my mouth and he beat me to it.

"Come with me." He said and started walking away.

I watch as his cocky self walked into his palace and shook my head, I am usually not a follower but this time I listened and I followed him.

I notice that it was getting late, Gosh my mom is most likely worried sick about me.

Gosh the thoughts that could be running through this woman mind, after all she watches Investigation Discovery 24/7.

As I follow Tut, I look at my surroundings. I notice that their were servants and maids staring at me strangely.

I didn't understand why they were giving me such looks and neither did I care. My focus was more on my mother.

King Tut went into a room and I went in right behind him, noticing that there were guards guarding the room. I made eye contact with them and give them a brief smile.

As I entered the room, I noticed that it was a bedroom.

My mouth hanged wide open as I realize that this guy lead me into his bedroom. Heck is that why everyone was staring at me like that, Oh My God.

I even gave a smile to the Guards before coming in here, heck they probably thought I was about to get it and I was bragging about it. Oh God, why am I here.

"I don't understand why I am here?" I asked King Tut noticing that he was taking off his rope.

"Yeah you should keep that on, I don't know what you think this is but I ain't that type of woman." I said backing away.

He turned to look at me and gave me a smirk. He walk towards a wall and started slamming his hand on the wall.

"Yes Mala, Yes! Just like that!! God you feel wonderful, You're mine!!!! all mine" He started yelling.

"What the actual fuck...... what the fucking fuck are you doing." I started saying with my mouth wide open not understanding what was going on.

Was he pretending... was he pretending to have sex with me?

I rushed towards him and grabbed his hand from the wall.

"What are you doing? What is the point of this?" I asked Tut with a look that was probably telling him that I was ready to smack him.

"People in Egypt are going to start talking about you, questioning why you're here and who you're. I know the Queen, my step mother has brought you here, she could have brought you here for a couple of reasons. I'm not sure why, but one reason I know she could have brought you here is to kill you and use you as a sacrifice and try to kill me with your blood. I'm trying to give you a cover story before the Queen thinks you're actually the girl that got away from her.

I'm making it look like you're concubine.

It's either make it look like that, or have the Queen peasants try to kill you or bring you to her. You choose. I suggest you do the same thing."

King Tut said staring at me with a narrowed eyes. I let the words he say settle in and 

I turned around and walked away from him, He turned around watching me get on his bed and starting to jump on it.

"Yes Your Highness! Right there!!! Yes right there!!!!!! Oh YES!." I started screaming and King Tut went back to hitting the wall and saying his own scripted words.

******Kassandra Speaks*****

LMFAOOO Oh My Gosh, these two are funny together.

Don't you think?

And Woah it seems like King Tut might know why

Amla is here after all, do you think he will tell her?

What do you think Amla will do when she finds out the whole story?

And what's up with the Queen? do you think she would show her self in the next chapter?

I think it's time we met the Queen Bitch. Don't you think?

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