CH. 87 Will she go or will she stay?

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CH. 87 Will she go or will she stay?

(Tut POV)

Of course, this would happen in a moment like this, at a moment where I felt a little relief that I could finally take a break with Mala.

Her mother and grandmother are here in my time when I saw Mala hugged them. Something hit me, this was her family, and she's been away from them for a very long time.

Mala has been with me for a while, and that time, Mala has been away from the era where she's come from has been long in her time.

I knew what her mother was trying to tell me when she said what she said.

I didn't blame her; she is Mala's mother after all, and from what Mala has told me.

She is her mother's only child.

I can't imagine what her mother went through with not knowing what happened to her daughter.

Mala has told me that she is close with her mother, so I know the mother was having a hard time when her daughter was taken from her the way she did.

It's not like her daughter was in another city or kingdom. Her daughter was in another era.

My era to Mala era is ancient; she calls her era the future to me.

I've listened to stories of what she's told me, and of course, my mind was blown when she would tell me those stories.

It was amazing how her time has advanced.

What could my era offer her?

Mala knows how I feel about her, and she knows how much I care about her.

She knows that I love her.

So whatever decision she makes, I will accept it.

I respect her; I respect her mindset and her way of thinking.

Mala is a gem.

Of course, such treasure is something that you will want to hold onto forever.

But, how can you hold on to something when it was never meant to be yours in the first place.

"Tut, hey, are you okay?" Mala asked me.

She was standing next to me, for how long? I have no idea.

"You went quiet, and I was calling your name out for a while now. Is it because of this? Talk to me." Mala said. I could hear the worried tone of her voice.

"Uh, I just don't know what to say," I said to her.

She tilted her head to the side and stared at me.

"There's something you want to say isn't there. You can say it, Tut." Mala said to me. Her tone was serious, and she was looking at me with understanding.

"Do I even have the rights to say anything? Do I have a say? This is your life." I said to her in a soft tone.

"Yes, it is my life, but you have every right to say anything. You're important to me just as I am important to you. Your feelings, thoughts, and everything else matters to me. So, yes. You do." Mala said to me.

The way my heartfelt overwhelmed from what she said, there was no way I couldn't say how I felt to her.

"I want to be with you," I said to her.

"And I want to be with you too, Tut, without a doubt," Mala said back to me.

"Nothing will change how I feel about you, don't ever doubt it or let anything interfere with that," Mala said.

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