CH. 47 Well, it's time to Rise up

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CH. 47 Well, it's time to Rise up

(Tut POV)

After Mala and I had our discussion in our chambers, we continued on the day, ate together and ended that day together.

Sleeping on the same bed with her was something that we both got used to, her and me.

It was something that would bother me if it had suddenly stopped happening, I've become used to her sleeping next to me that if it were to stop, it would ruin a routine to me.

I turned to look at her sleeping form and I almost didn't want to wake her up.

I did say almost.

"Mala, wake up," I said to her, as I lightly wake her up with my hand.

She had to wake up soon, especially if she needed to get ready for the day we had.

I was surely positive that my mother by law was up right now, so it's only best to wake up the mastermind of this plan.

"Mala, wake up," I said again, giving her shoulder a shrug.

"Just a couple of more minutes, a little bit longer please." She said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No, it's time to get up and start this plan of yours. Remember? The one you came up with? The one that's supposed to take place today." I said, watching her open her eyes.

It was like, what I was saying to her finally registered.

She sat up and let out a sigh, rubbing her eyes she turned and looked at me.

Aw, she was tired and probably was having cravings of more time to sleep. Too bad, she had to be up because, after all this was her idea and not to mention, that she is the only one who knows where this place is. Well, I wasn't even quite sure about that. I hope she knows that this isn't going to be an easy journey for us.

I say us because of course, I have to go along, I couldn't let her go by herself. That's something I could never do.

Even if I were to become hot-headed and upset, I would always be by her side.

She's becoming my weak spot, no. She is my weak spot and I had to make sure that people didn't know that.

"Okay, you're right. I have to get up." She said and I nodded my head, sitting up as well.

"Well, for your sake and mine. I hope we don't get lost because you actually don't have any idea where this place is located." I said and I watched as Mala shook her head.

"Yes, I just need to see any forms of any maps you have of this area and any area that's by it and I will be able to figure it out." She said.

I raised a brow.

"Hmm, alright then," I said.

I got up from the bed and walked towards my desk that's in my chamber.

I took what I felt like would be able to help her and walked back towards the bed.

"Well, hope this could help. It's what you were looking for right?" I asked her as she took it from me.

"Yes, this is a map for sure. Wow, the outlines look great! Even the way the landscape is drawn. This is great, it looks sorta similar to the one I have in my book. Okay, so we are right here and-" She went on in her little talking spree and I just continued staring at her, as my heart continued to beat.

She had no idea how beautiful she was.

"Ah! I found it." She said, causing my eyes to widen.

She found the location of where the underground city is?

"You did?" I asked her, she looked up at me giving me a smile.

"Yes, thanks so much for this map by the way. It helps, where did you get it?" She asked me.

"Well, I made it with my mom. I would go to many areas growing up and I started pinning the locations together, drawing the landscapes and all. My mother would help me with it when I first started it as a kid and as I grew up, I just continued doing it." I said.

I watched her eyes widened.

"Tut, that's amazing. The details on this map are amazing, you're truly talented and gifted." She said.

I felt my face getting hot from receiving her compliment.

"Thank you," I said, not knowing what else to say to it.

I usually take compliments as if they were nothing, but her compliment had an impact on me and just wasn't just a regular compliment. It was a compliment that matter to me and I found myself wanting to get more compliments from her.

"Well, let's get ready then. We are going to have a long journey ahead of us and who knows how long it will take." I said and she got out of the bed, letting out a giggle.

"It won't take that long if we don't have any problems or any situations break out along the way. It shouldn't take us that long to get there." She said.

"You look quite excited?" I said, paying close attention to her facial expression.

I have become used to Mala's facial expression and I can see that she was honestly excited.

"Of course I am excited. I get to see it, in its own time. In my era, it's still stable and it's actually a historical place but in this era. I get to see it, the people who build it, the people who are living in it. I get to see it in its prime." She said with her eyes showing brightness.

"Wow, Mala. I would like to see the world through your eyes, you truly enjoy these things and have a passion for them. It's beautiful, honestly." I said to her.

Her eyes widened, she looked away and shrugged.

"Um, thank you. Ha, that's a first actually. Most people pretend they care about what I say but they don't. Especially when I go through those little speeches. I can tell you said what said genuinely, so thank you." She said.

"It's the truth. A matter of fact." I said walking towards her.

"It's another thing I find very attractive about you," I said to her, as I stood in front of her looking into her eyes.

"You know I find you very beautiful right?" I asked her.

"Do you?" She asked tilting her head.

It was a real question, she was honestly wondering if I did. She wasn't teasing, she wanted to know if it was true.

"Yes," I said kissing her forehead.

I step back from her, giving her space.

"Maybe you'll let me show you one day," I said

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Wow, they're so cute together. Can't relate. *Shrugs* Lol, I think it's funny how the majority of my books have romance in them but I honestly don't have anything romantic going in my life right now, but hey. I write good romance books with different spices in them.

What do you Dolls think Tut meant about what he said to Mala? "Maybe you'll let me show you one day" hmmm

The next chapter gets good!

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-Kassandra Vivu

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