CH. 31 Stunned and Speechless

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CH. 31 Stunned and Speechless

(Amala POV)

When Kriston had led me to the place, or should I say Dungeon.

I was stunned, there were children laying on the ground.

Some were injured, bleeding and looked to be in a huge amount of pain.

These Children were locked in here as if they were not human beings.

As if they were nothing.

Ramo who was also next to me looked stunned.

The guards were silence. I turned around to face the Guards.

"This is what we're going to do, each one of you is going to take a kid, ask the kid who their parents are, make sure the kid is not badly injured. If there is a kid that is injured, call out for me. I do not want any children being left with injuries that haven't been looked at before we head back home " I said to the guards.

They all nodded their heads. "Yes, Mistress," They said, making their ways to the kids.

I turned back around facing the kids.

I said each parent name from what I learned from the others when we had the meeting.

I saw each child's eyes widened at the mention of their parent's name.

"I'm here to take you all home to your parents. Please let the guards know if any of you're injured." I said out loud to the children.

I turned to look at Ramo who was standing next to me.

I grabbed his hand and squeeze it, trying to ease his nerves.

"Hey, baby boy. Can you help me please?" I asked him, his eyes widened.

He nodded his head.

"Yes, Amala." He said.

I nodded my head, pressing a kiss on his forehead. Proud that he was being strong, even though we both knew that this was taking a tow on us both.

I turned to look at Kriston who was looking at the children with a sad look on his face.

He also seemed worried.

"Kriston," I said, he turned to look at me.

"Yes, my mistress." He said and I let out a sigh.

"Thank you for finding them," I said and he smiled.

"My son is actually injured. He's back there and I was wondering if I could be with him" He said stunning me.

"Which one, lead me to him," I said to him, Kriston, nodded his head and started to lead me to him.

Ramo and the guard from before came with me, Kriston led me to a boy who seemed to be around the same age as Ramo and Leo.

"Father." The boy said groaning and holding his arm.

I watched as Kriston rushed to his son.

This man had his son here, the fact that he didn't only save his son only but wanted to save the other children made me want to do as much as I can for his kid.

In my bag that I came with I had first aid kit, some painkillers, Aloe and cloth. Honestly, I was just that person in school who had everything a person needed.

I rushed to the boy. Watching as his eyes widened.

Kriston nodded to his son, letting him know it was okay.

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