CH. 42 Well, she's angry

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CH. 42 Well, she's angry

(Amala POV)

We were walking outside Tut's place

I had the boys walking behind me, where I would take glances at them, to make sure they were safe. Tut was walking next to me, as we took a stroll together.

Of course, when we were heading outside, we were getting looks from Tuts servants and I didn't pay the looks any mind.

I was getting used to living in an area like that and I was getting used to the things that were even being shown.

I wasn't taken off guard when I came face to face with the Mad Queen herself.

She looked beyond angry, she looked beyond pissed and truth be told. I had no idea what word would be best to describe the expression on her face right now.

"Hello, Mother by law. How are you doing this morning? Would you care to eat?" Tut said, next to me. The Queen turned her head and narrowed her eyes at Tut.

"Where is my son?" The Queen asked.

"Why don't we go in, in private to discuss somethings, Mother by Law. I'm sure we don't need any onlookers." Tut said.

Before the Queen could say anything, I spoke.

"Kronos is fine, he's right behind us," I said in a soft voice.

"I would never let anything happen to Kronos," I said. Moving aside so she could see that her son, is much very well fine and is behind us.

She stared at me, moving her stare to her sons.

"Kronos, come here. We are leaving." The Queen said.

"Mother, Brother Tut wants to talk to you," Kronos said, which had his mother widen her eyes at him.

"I'm fine Mother, I don't mind being here a little longer, I was enjoying my stay and I want Brother Tut, to be able to talk to you about what he wants to talk to you about. It seems to be an important matter, Mother." Kronos said.

His mom looked at him.

"Come in Mama," Kronos said, walking up to his mom and taking her head gently.

Something crosses his mother's face quickly, that if anyone blinks at that time they would have missed it.

"Alright, let us go then." His mother said, looking at Tut and me with an on guard look.

I truthfully had no idea why she was looking at us like that.

We weren't the ones harming people, and we also didn't do anything to her son but I suppose she is an overprotective mother.

We followed right behind her, her guards were with her also.

There was a man walking next to her, that didn't blend in with the guards that had me raise a brow.

Who exactly was this man? Have I seen him before? I searched my thoughts to see if there was any way I would be able to figure out who this man was but I couldn't.

Why did I have a feeling that he was someone extremely important and was someone I should figure out about.

I wasn't going to let the anxious questioning feeling leave me, of course, I was going to try to figure out who he was. Just not right now, maybe later on during the day.

We went back in.

"I'll lead you towards my west wing. Please follow me." Tut said as he lead us the way.

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