CH. 43 Oh she mad now

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CH. 43 Oh she mad now

(Tut POV)

I wonder have others ever found it quite amusing when another person is angry, mad at something that wasn't even something caused by you but by them.

It's like why are you mad, at something that you caused yourself?

I knew the personality of my Mother by law well, so when Kronos her own son questions her in such a way he has never questioned her before.

It wasn't a surprise to see her, immediately assumed that someone has informed her son on matters that he didn't need to know knowledge of. Which wasn't exactly a lie.

Her son was informed on such matters, but for her to think that he wouldn't be able to find out on her own just proves that she really thinks that she is able to keep things like that hidden from her son.

"Mother, there's no need to stare at Amala in such a way, this is something I have found out on my own and it was something that disgusted me that my own mother was behind this. As a mother, I thought you wouldn't be, that you would not harm any children especially having a child of your own, but I was wrong about that." Kronos said.

Well then, this kid was not going down on his mother lightly at all what so ever.

His mother turned to look at him.

"Kronos, I am your mother, do not question the things that I do." His mother said.

I watched as Mala eyes widened, I looked at her to give her look that says don't say anything, at least now yet.

"Even when the things you do are wrong?" Kronos asked The Queen turned her head to look at me.

"You dare try to turn my own son against me?!" She yelled.

"Pardon me, but I didn't hear in nowhere that he said that I was the one who had him speaking to you this way. Sorry to disappoint you, but no one in here has influenced your son. Your son is behaving this way all on his own. As you can see, we didn't keep him locked up, chained in a dark area, injured or any of those things. He was allowed to leave whenever he wanted, he still is allowed to leave so we didn't hold him hostage. I don't do that to children, unlike other people." I said, looking at her straight in the eye.

I hope she realizes I wasn't scared of her, I know she wants me and all my brothers did, but there was no way in this world I was going to have this lady believe that I am scared of her.

"Mother why would you go to such grounds to do that to children, children who've done nothing wrong to you," Kronos asked.

His mother turned to look at him again.

"Kronos stand up, we are leaving." She said, getting up.

"Why not answer back?" Kronos asked.

"Do not speak back to me!" His mother yelled.

She let out a sigh.

In the softest voice I've heard this evil woman speak in, she said.

"Everything I do is for us." She said.

Kronos' eyes widened.

"I've never asked you to do such evil things Mother, I don't know what is it that you want to do but surely you're able to do these things without harming others," Kronos said to his mom, causing her eyes to widen.

"What are the reasons that you do them? You have your reasons, I am not aware of them and I don't know if you would even want to explain them to me but I want to know. What are your reasons for doing the things you're doing right now? Who hurt you?" Mala said.

The room went quiet.

"You're not someone who I feel like was always like this, something caused you to be this way. People have caused you to be this way. They must have done something to you, to hurt you to have you turning into someone you're not. From what I see and how Kronos speaks of you. There's a reason you're doing all of these things." Mala said.

The Queen turned her head to look at Mala, tilting her head.

"I'm not trying to pry into your business, I'm just telling you what I see and what I sense. People must have done horrible things to you, or hurt you to have you be having such a way. I sense that and I'm not sure if that is the reason which is why I asked, I just wanted you to know that I am not a horrible person and I am willing to hear your side, but you have to see yourself also in another light. Don't become like those people who hurt you, because what you're doing is something similar." Mala said.

"Maybe she just wants to cause harm," I said, causing Mala to look at me with a confused look.

"Okay? Maybe something happened to her in the past. Maybe someone did something to her, and she doesn't know how to deal with that anger yet." Mala said.

"So she takes out on others instead of on the person who did it themselves?" I asked Mala.

Mala's eyes widened.

"I'm not saying what she did is right, that's why I said that if horrible things have happened to her, then she shouldn't turn around and do horrible things to other people. She out of all people should understand how it feels when horrible things happen to you when you don't deserve it." Mala said, looking at me.

"I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just wondering why you think horrible things have happened to her. She could just be a cruel person." I said.

I wasn't arguing with Mala, I was speeding this up to see if it was true or not. If the Queen would react to this.

"I have a feeling," Mala said, standing her ground.

"You think you can understand the Queen?" I asked, letting out a chuckle.

"I just think she deserves her story to be told, especially if there's no justice in it and I just don't want her turning into the monsters that destroyed her. She's Krono's mother and Kronos loves her, I don't want Kronos seeing his mother in an evil light. So that's why I am asking those things." Mala said.

"I know that there are people who are just plain evil and there are people who are seeking revenge that they do evil things sometimes," Mala said.

"Seeking revenge on the innocent isn't something that's going to give you closure, it's seeking revenge on the ones who hurt you the most," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

The room fell quiet again.

"Mother, was there someone who hurt you?" Kronos asked in a soft voice.

His mom turned to look at him, my eyes widened on the fact that this woman had a sad look on her face. A look of distressed. There is no way I am about to feel sorry for this woman.

Oh no.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Do you Dolls see where Amala is coming from? and also do you Dolls see where Tut is coming from? Do you agree with them both?

Or do you agree with Amala?

Or do you agree with Tut?

What do you Dolls think is going to happen in the next chapter?

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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