CH. 61 He's nothing

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CH. 61 He's nothing

(Tut POV)

All my life, I've known my father to be a monster.

I never cared for him; I've tolerated him but never bothered caring for him.

Knowing the type of person he was and knowing the things he's done disgust me.

This was the last straw, him thinking he could just take possession of Mala was the last straw.

It made something snap inside of me.

He was doing this to get rage from me; he was trying to break me.

This was him trying to prove whatever power he thinks he has over his children.

It wasn't going to happen to me.

He wasn't going to win this time.

I had the security around Mala tripled, including the guard she wanted.

I had the boy's duty switch to only being with Mala.

Mala knew that this was something serious, so she didn't object to any of it.

I had a meeting with my men and assigned each a duty. Of course, they were shocked when I revealed to them that I was going against my father.

These were men that went to war with me that was part of my joint group, that were men that I gave rank in my army, and they were men who knew that none of my father children cared for him.

I knew that these men would understand, so I told him that my father threatened Mala and me, that he threatened to take Mala from me.

Not hiding in detail what he meant about that, because we know how he was.

I wasn't someone who made excuses for people, but my father. Oh, how I hated that he is my father is a cruel, disgusting excuse for a human being after all the Queen turned evil for a reason.

She was never like that, from what I've known—especially coming back from meeting her people and hearing stories of how she was before she was abducted by my father's army and forced to be with him and bear him a child.

I don't excuse evil, but everyone has a breaking point mine was going to happen. Apparently, word got out about my father's visit, which resulted in all my brothers coming in to see me.

I walked into the conference room that was filled with my brothers, Mala, next to me, and their eyes widening when they see her expect for Kronos, who immediately smiled, just seeing Mala.

"A visit, how lovely," I said as I pulled the seat for Mala to sit on and sat next to her.

"Well, I can see you're in love with this woman. It's obvious. Anyone can see that." My brother Smenkhkare said.

"Smen, I know that," I said.

"Mala, let me introduce you. This is Smenkhkare, my brother." I said.

Mala's eyes widened.

"You, you were a man?" Mala said, making Smenkhkare's eyes widened in confusion.

Kronos snicked in the background.

Oh boy, this must have to do with something from a loving History mind that Mala has.

I continued speaking as if Mala didn't already make a scene.

"This is my other brothers Djoser, Netjerikhet, Tosorthos, and Sesorthos," I said, turning to see Mala's eyes widened as she looks in amazement at my brothers.

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