CH. 36 Why can't we speak?

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CH. 36 Why can't we speak?

(Amala POV)

The room fell silent, I could feel Tut staring at me but I didn't move my stare from Kronos.

"You want to speak to my mother?" Kronos asked with a stunned expression, it was obvious that he wasn't expecting that.

I'm sure no one was expecting that I would want to talk to the main woman who wants me dead, especially if they knew she was the main reason why I was here.

Why my life has completely changed, why I am no longer home or even in my era living my life.

She was the reason why I was stuck in the past, but I still wanted to talk to her.

I still wanted to know the reason why? Why she became that way, why did this woman turned into a Villian?

"Mala, I don't want you speaking to her." I heard Tut say, I turned my head to look at him.

To see if he was actually serious, his facial expression and the look in his eyes were proving to me that he was.

I understood that he might be worried but there was no way I was going to let him stop me from talking to her, if he was scared that she would do something to me, well then that is why he assigned guards to me.

I also would be fine if he was in the room with me, I wouldn't mind having him by my side as I talk to her but I don't want her stopping me from speaking to her also.

"Well with all due respect your highness, I believe that I am allowed to use my mouth and tongue for whatever thing I please to do with it and if I want to speak to her, then I shall speak to her," I said.

Tut eyes widened as he stared at me.

"Oh? Is that so?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

I didn't know what exactly he was getting at, part of me wondered why he was narrowing his eyes at me in such a way.

Tut really doesn't want me talking to her.

"Yes, if it makes you uncomfortable, the guards that you have assigned to me can be station a couple of feet away from where I'll be talking to her and if I need them. I will either give a gesture or just flat out yell to them. You can also be right next to me when I am talking to her." I said softly.

"Why exactly do you want to talk to her?" He asked me, not changing his posture.

"I want to know," I said.

"Want to know what?" He asked me, his eyes no longer narrowed.

I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I want to know why she is the way that she is now. Like I've said before." I said to Tut, wondering why he was asking me so many questions.

Especially questions that I have answered before.

What was his reason?

What is he trying to get at?

"Oh, okay and what do you think that is going to accomplish when you ask her these questions, fine let's say she answers them and tells you why she is doing what she is doing, why she is hurting the people she is hurting and why she is the way that she is. What will that accomplish?" Tut asked me in a serious tone.

"It would give us better insight, it will show us why she is doing all she is doing and it would help us understand how to stop her, to show her that this isn't what should be done, that this isn't what she should be doing," I said.

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