CH. 89 Who wants to kill me?

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CH. 89 Who wants to kill me?

(Tut Pov)

I knew precisely what Mala was planning to do; she wanted to make sure that no one in this room is behind my death from her era. I couldn't blame her for being on guard about this; I am on guard when it comes to who had a hand in what happened to me, and I would be lying if I said that I wish it isn't anyone in the conference room with us.

I know if it happens to be someone in the conference room with us that it would make me feel something, as I have come to like the people here and come to have cared for them as well.

"Wow, I never thought we would ever have a conversation like that, but well, how about burn to death?" One of my brothers said.

"What bout the river?" One of my other brothers said.

"We can say that he drowned in the river after us going through it or around it. The river is, after all, a very long river, so something like that happening to him is very believable, and it can be seen as an accidental death." My other brother said.

"Which can also help with you, wanting to disappear from here; you'll be able to if you did it this way." My brother said.

I nodded at the idea, it sounded good, but frankly, I was glad that it wasn't the story or even the theory Mala came up with of how she believes I died.

Mala had told me what everyone claims happened, but she also gave me her theory and what she thinks happened.

We've listened to other people's thoughts about how they would have supposedly 'Kill me.' or how they would have preferred me 'dying.' A lot of people participated in it except my mother. She said she found it unhealthy for her even to picture a scenario of anything happening to me when it comes to death.

No one questioned it when it came to my mother; they wouldn't dare. The lady went through enough, but I found her especially strong that very moment, as she stood there listening to how people would have killed me.

Mala continued asking people questions about more ways of how they would do it and to give an explanation.

"Well, odd to say that all of you have some good interesting ideas on how you would do all of this. I find it intriguing and a little scary as well." Mala said, and I even agree with her on that.

"But I did ask all of you to participate in it, as we wanted to get ideas on how we should do it, so of course, I am not blaming you for the way your thoughts went," Mala said.

"I do admit, you all are pretty creative." The Queen said.

Everyone glance at her.

"What? Can't I compliment people? Don't worry; I am not going to do anything." Queen Renequa said.

I have a feeling that she's going to have to remind a lot of people in the future that she's changed.

This doesn't compare with what she did in the past, so she should be okay with it.

"Thank you all for participating in this with us, you all didn't have to, but you all did help us when it comes to deciding what we should do when it comes to this. " I said to everyone.

"Do you think you'll be happy over there?" My youngest brother Kronos asks.

I turned to look at Mala and smile.

"Yes, with Mala being next to me and with me, I believe I'll be happy in her era," I said.

"Wow, you're in love, love, huh? Well, I'm happy for you, brother. Whenever someone finds something to make them happy, they should always hold on to it. Happiness is hard to come across." My older brother said.

Surprisingly, everyone in the room nodded their heads and had an understanding look on their faces.

We continued talking to everyone and ended the conversation on a good note.

Everyone looked very happy for us.

I wanted to speak to my mother about all of this as I wanted to make sure that this was something that she was okay with.

I didn't want my mother just agreeing to anything just because she didn't want to be with me. I wanted to know if she would be okay with it.

So after we ended the conference with everyone, I walked towards my mother and pulled her aside so I could talk to her.

"I want to make sure that this is something that you're okay with, mother. I don't want to force you to do anything. That is never my intention." I told her.

My mother's eyes widened, and she smiled at me softly.

"I understand, I do, and I want you to know that you're not forcing me to do anything. I do want to do this as I want a fresh start. Somewhere no one knows me or my story. You're my son, my only kin, and I am looking forward to our new lives. Besides, Renequa said she would visit me, so that is also fine." My mother said.

Everything else my mother said made me happy until she brought up Queen Renequa's name.

"By the way, mother, what is going on with you and Queen Renequa, if I may ask? You two have got close to each other." I said to my mother.

"I know you're worried, especially with everything you told me that she had done. Believe me, I had an earnest conversation with her about the things she has done, and she admitted that she was in the wrong." My mother said, giving me a nod.

"There is growth in her character Tut, and I am sure you've noticed that." My mother said.

Part of me wanted to remind my mother that she kind of just met Renequa, where I have known her for years now, but I let my mother continue to speak of Queen Renequa in a high way.

"Well, mother, I see that you're enjoying the friendship you have with her, and it seems that you two are constantly smiling around each other. So I suppose it's a good healthy friendship to have around, but of course, I will always keep my eyes open." I said.

My mother smiled at me.

"Yes, of course, and yes. A good friendship." She said the last words softly.

"I've never had any friends." My mother said.

"Rene is much more than a friend to me; she understands a lot of things." My mother said.

That puzzled me; what did my mother and Queen Renequa bond about, and what did my mother even mean? Before I could ask her that, Mala came to speak to us.

Part of me was glad Mala came to speak to us, another part wishes I had the chance to question my mother even more, but I accepted that if my mother ever wanted to continue to talk about this, she would.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

How do you Dolls how Tut will be in Amala Era?

Do you all think he would like it or be homesick? It's going to be much different for Tut. He will have to do many things he hadn't typically done before for himself more now in Amala era. Don't forget, King Tut. Is a King, after all.

What relationship do you all think Tut's mother has with Queen Renequa, who is no longer a Villian? What do you, Dolls, think? Comment your answers below :)

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-Kassandra Vivu

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