Ch. 18 How Bold

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Ch. 18 How bold

(King Tut POV)

"I will protect you." She said in a Soft voice, but many things were currently running through my mind.

All these things have been happening under my nose and I had no idea? Was I truly even a King. How could a King not sense this?

Silence filled the room but I felt Mala hand took mine and held it, I didn't know that a simple gesture. A simple touch could ease me down especially coming to find out about all the hits that have been shot at me.

I knew my Mother by law wanted me dead but to know so many hits have already been thrown to me by different people is absurd. Like I don't even know what I did to them in the first place.

I didn't miss the look that crossed Mala face when she learned about my age and how old I was. She looked like she knew something and looked I hate to admit terrified me. She knew something, hell she probably knows a lot of things and she hasn't told me at all what they're.

I wanted to know what she knew, I needed to know because if something or someone was coming for my life. I wanted to know who and end it.

No one else would have let Mala, taken on such a role of giving orders to my people but it simply came to the fact that I trust Mala and to be quite honest. I trusted her more than my family myself. Of course, it didn't take an idiot to know that family will kill a family member, especially in this time.

"Tut, look at me." She said and I made eye contact with her, I saw that she was worried, it showed in her eyes and I would have had a smirk that very moment on that fact itself that she was worried about me.

It just wasn't the time or matter to do that.

"We got this okay? You and I got this, we will get through this." She said and the words for some reason gave me a lift.

She ran her fingers through my hair, which calmed me down even more.

She had no idea what she was doing to me, did she know that if anyone picks up on her traits that it would be hard not to fall for her.

The doors opened, Mala dropped her hand as she turned around to look. I also turned around to find Kaiden holding onto the Woman who prepares my food. Salem looked angrily at the Woman as if he could kill her right there and then.

Salem was one of my most loyalist guards, which is why I wanted him to protect Mala and so was Kaiden. Which is what I was going to tell him at the end of this.

Kaiden let go of the woman and she dropped to the floor.

Mala suddenly got up and the woman eyes widen as she looked around her surroundings, her eyes widen even more when she looked at the guy who has been questioned, she looks from him to me with widened eyes of fear, not fear of feeling bad but knowing that something has been revealed. when she took Mala in with her eyes, it was like her body was shaking.

The Woman in the ground was shaking in fear.

I raised a brow as to how this Woman body started shaking when she looked at Mala but not at me, I was the King and I could bring wrath to her but when I turned to look at Mala face I understood.

In the short period of time, I have come to know Mala I have never seen that look on her face that was a mix of Anger and Disgust. It was a look of hatred. If looks could kill that Woman would be killed in a heartbeat from just that look alone.

"Your King has been aware that someone in his own household has been poisoning him. You must really not want to live, you must really hate breathing to actually be able to do something like this. I wonder, what reasons do you have to do such a thing but have no fear. I understand that doing this means you don't want to live and are looking for an end. You shall have it, of course, you want to die? Then you will die. But it could be changed, what are your reasons?" Mala said in a tone that could bring a shiver down anyone's body.

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