Ch.27 No matter what

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Ch.27 No matter what
(Amala POV)
Waking up to find myself in Tut arms almost took me by surprise but then recalling what happened and what was said last night had my face heating up.

I mean how many people can say they've kissed a King? An actual King?

Yes, some people could say they've kissed a King or Prince but not one from Ancient Times.

I honestly didn't want to move, because truthfully I knew if I moved, he would most likely wake up, which means he would have to let me go and we would have to wake up, getting back to the journey.

Is it weird that I could see myself spending a whole day in his arms?
Yes, it was strange because we had business to do.

I gently tried to pull myself away out of Tuts arm, Tut for some reason pulled me right back into his arms. My eyes widen, there's no way he's still sleeping.

I tried to pull myself away from him again but he pulled me right back into his arms. I let out a sigh and said.

"Tut, I know you're awake and we have to get up soon, we have to get up and make our way towards the path," I said and I felt his arms tighten around me.

He snuggled his face on my neck and took a sniff of me.

"I just want to lay like this just a little while, then we can get up, but just for a little while okay. I just want to stay like this" he said and my heart clenched.

His words sound like they had different meanings behind it.

So I gave up and let myself be cuddled by him, which I truly didn't mind. I quite liked it, I mean. I've never been cuddled by a man before and the only person I've been cuddled by is my mother and grandmother.

So being cuddled by Tut, who was a man, also a King. Was something that I didn't expect but then again did I expect anything like this to happen. No, I mean I was just going to school when the whole situation started.

"Are you hungry?" Tut asked me and I let out a laugh.

My laugh must have taken him off guard because he pulled away to look at me, I had an amused expression on my face.

"You know, you must really like me because this is the first time you've actually asked me if I was hungry," I said and I watched as Tut eyes widen and he looked embarrassed, his eyes suddenly looking around, as if he was focusing his mind on something else.

"Hey it's okay, it's cute and yes I'm hungry, but we can lay like this for a couple more minutes before we get up to eat," I said and he nodded his head.

"So what's it like?" He asked me, I turned to look at him. Confused to what he meant.

"You know, living in an Era where things are more advanced. How are the people there?" He asked me and I thought about his question before I really answered, because I really need to think my answer through.

"Well, a lot of things are happening. Yes, the world is advanced in my Era but Hate is still there, for example, hate is still common, people still look down on others for anything really. Skin Color, Nationality, a way of living, a way of worshipping, a way of speaking and different personalities. Also, people are having war with each other. War is also still common, countries have become bullies, crime rates are getting higher and higher, Families are losing loved ones to more murder, the abducting & Kidnapping statistics has gone high. Missing children statistics are also getting high, slavery is still an issue. Yes, slavery is still going on, people are killing people because they think that they'll have some supernatural power from eating the person. It's kind of sad, as much progress my Era has made, stuff like this is still going on." I said, disgusted with everything that was said.

Truthfully it angered me, it really did and not only that.

I knew for a fact that things like that will never change, people will never stop behaving this way.

People won't stop doing horrible things like to each other and that bothered me.

Surely I wasn't the only one it bothered, it had to bother other people.

Tut stayed quiet and I started to think maybe my little ranting scared him until he spoke.

"I can tell it angers you Mala, but sadly, there's nothing we could really do. Yes, people from your era are going to keep trying to solve those issues but more issues will start and more people will come in with evil in their hearts and do those horrible things. Sadly, this is how human nature and it upsets me to say that because it isn't an excuse but that's how it is. We can't control what's in people hearts and we can't control how they use it." Tut said and I heard him, I really did but it still bothered me.

I knew he was speaking from experience, I knew he was talking about his family and to be quite honest there was a lot I don't know about him, I want to know everything about him.

I want to know about his childhood, what he likes and dislikes, what he wouldn't do and what he would do. Where he sees his self in a couple years, I say that because I will make sure that he sees the future, his future because he deserves it. He's done nothing wrong and he isn't a horrible person.

He and I were from two different worlds but he just has shown me that he actually understands my point of view from what he has encountered in his life also.

"Tut. Can you tell me more about yourself when we come back from Kidnapping your little brother." I said and Tut let out a laugh, I looked at him with wide eyes because it took me off guard.

Tut was being more opened with me, so he would let out laughs, give me little smirks and open smiles now.

He also had a look on his face that shown that he was amazed by me, that look actually flatters me whenever I see it.

"What's so funny," I asked him, curious to why that made him laugh.

"Nothing, I supposed on the way you said it so naturally made me laugh considering what we were going to do." He said and I let out a laugh also, I realized I did say it naturally about kidnapping his little brother, but I can't be blamed.

This was my life now and I hate to say it but I feel like more crazy things will be said naturally by me.

"To answer your question, of course, Mala. Anything you want to know, I will tell you." He said and I raised a brow.

"Anything?" I asked and he nodded his head.

Oh oh, Tut has no idea what he just signed his self up to.

He did say anything after all.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)
Hello Dolls, can't wait till the whole Kidnapping thing goes down!!! Also can't wait till Amala ask Tut the questions she wants to ask, until then. Please give this Chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!! Xoxo
-Kassandra Vivu

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