CH. 45 We are doing what?

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CH. 45 We are doing what?

(Tut POV)

When Mala started to speak, I knew it was something that she had thought about carefully, what I didn't expect was the attention that would be instantly given to her by my Mother by law.

I watched as my Mother by law eyes widen, especially the man next to her also.

It seemed like she is shocked by what Mala said, did she think that Mala is a person that waits for someone to give her permission, because if that is what she thought. She would be wrong, Mala stands for what is on her mind and she doesn't back down at all.

Which is something that might be a problem one day, especially when it comes to something serious?

Her not backing down to people is something I adore about her, but it is also something that causes me to worry.

Not only that, she's revealing things that she knows. Things that I don't even know, I know deep inside that Mala knows a bunch of information that I don't know.

How else would I have known that I was going to be killed, the fact that my death still remains a mystery in her time makes me wonder. Who and how did they do it?

I want to know who did it, it was something that I didn't want to let bother me but I can't help it.

Anyone in their right mind would be bothered by something like this.

It wasn't a sport or a game, this is my life and someone is toying with it.

Which is why I am grateful that Mala is here, even if I am being a little selfish about it.

I want her here with me and I've been glad that she hasn't even been expressing the fact that she wants to go home.

She hasn't even brought it up, is it wrong for me to be glad about that?

Can't I just enjoy it?

I mean, it's not like I have come across many people who I feel this way for or have them caused me to act in a certain way.

Mala is the first person that has made me behave in such a matter and I find that intriguing. There's truly nothing I wouldn't do for this woman.

It surprised me that my Mother by law thought I knew about the war that had happened with her people.

I was only told small details, I wasn't given a huge amount of details. Although I am a king and I am supposed to know these things.

I wasn't the type of person who was fond of war.

To be honest, if there was a way to end it then I would but I don't obtain that power, so of course when my Mother by law claim I knew what she was talking about, I just stared at her, blinking and wondering why she was raising her voice at me.

I pulled my head back in confusion, Mala spoke.

"What if I told you that I know where your people are." She said the room fell quiet.

The Queen's eyes widened as she looked at Mala.

"They're dead." The Queen said.

Mala shook her head, she looked around. As if she was trying to see if anyone else was in the room but us.

She brought herself closer to the Queen.

"I'm going to whisper something in your ear. I mean no harm." Mala said, glancing at the man that was next to the Queen.

Everyone in the room could already tell that this man is overprotective of her.

Mala probably doesn't know who he is, but he's basically the Queen's right hand. Where ever she is, he's right there next to her.

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