CH. 72 We got this

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CH. 72 We got this

(Amala POV)

The wall was cracking; we have been slamming the object towards the wall for a while now. I think we've done up to twenty times. The wall was almost knocked down, but I was getting tired, my strength was weakening, and I just couldn't make myself able to lift the object anymore.

I turned my attention; she was on the floor now. She kept reminding herself out loud to keep going, that she wanted to be reunited with Tut cousin again, but even she was tired now. Sweat was running down her body, just as I was sure it was running down mine.

We were both breathing hard, trying to catch our breath, and even though we were both weak right now. That still didn't change the fact that we were both trying to prepare ourselves to get ready to do this back again.

Bamming noises were coming from the other side of the wall, where I was sure Tut mother was.

"She's helping us. Come on, get up." I said.

I stood up, and so did she; we both made our way towards the wall with the object and started slamming the item on it again. The wall began to crumble.

"Wait, it's crumbling, let's move back." She said, and we took some steps back as the wall crumbled in front of us.

I covered my eyes with my hand as I didn't want anything flying from the wall and hitting me on the face or getting into my eyes.

When I didn't hear anything else crumbling, I lowered my hand and looked in front of me.

"Are you two okay?" A woman's voice said.

She was now seen. The dust from the walls breaking down was finally sustaining themselves, and I took in the appearance of the woman in front of me.

She was breathtaking; although she was stunning, she looked miserable. She looks tired as if everything has given up on her. She looked weak, even though she just manage to have the strength to help us knock down the wall. I had the urge to ask her to sit down.

"You're Tut's mother," I said.

The woman looked at me; she had a sad look on her face. The tragic look was something that would make anyone do a double-take.

It was a sad look that would make anyone hesitate if they wanted to continue, even asking or telling her anything.

"Yes." She said.

"I knew it," I said, not knowing what to say.

What is it that one person says when it comes to something like this?

"He's never stopped thinking about you; he doesn't even know if you're alive or dead. This will make him very happy, you two reuniting will make him very happy." I said to her.

Her eyes widened at that.

"Tut, he's alive?" She asked.

Silence filled the room.

"Yes, he is?" I was confused about why she asked that.

Wasn't she aware that her son was alive? When was the last time she's heard about her son?

"I didn't know; I was told he died." She said. She walked towards the other wall.

Placing her hand on it, she held herself up.

"Why, why torture me more. Why tell me that he died? What was the point of that? I was already held against my will and was unable to see my son. Why do that to me?" She said.

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