CH. 50 The Long Journey

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CH. 50 The Long Journey

(Amala POV)

The joke that Tut played with me was something that I did not expect, but although it was a joke. He was right, how could I forget to pack food when I said I would.

Thank goodness Tut packed food, even though he teased me I'm glad he packed food for the both of us. He didn't have to but he did and for that I was grateful.

We've been riding the horses for hours now, and they were getting tired.

It's not like we were going at a slow pace either, but my horse for some reason felt and looked like he could ride forever.

He was in the front while the others were in the back and the thing that had me shocked was that Phora was running right next to him throughout the whole time, it was nice for Phora to be out and running. Doing things that were naturally for her and it was nice for Zane as well.

I liked the fact that I gave the horse a decent name and not something outrageous. It just seems like this name fits him just well.

"We should rest!" The man who was with the Queen said.

I should definitely learn this man's name, especially if we're going to be taking this journey together.

"Okay, Zane & Phora," I said, Phora slowed down but I had to double-tap Zane and rub his ear for him to stop.

We stopped and Tut slowly approached me with his horse, which was carrying many things.

"Why am I not surprised that you already know how to deal with the horse you're riding?" He said.

I gave him a smile and shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm doing amazing so far with the things I've been doing," I said and I watched as he rolled his eyes.

He seemed to have that habit when it comes to me.

"Be careful not to boost your ego too high Mala." He said and I raised a brow to that.

"You see Tut, there is nothing wrong with boosting up your ego as long as you're able to control it and know what to do with it," I said.

"Is that so?" He asked me.

"Yes," I said.

I watched him tilt his head to the side.

"Well, prove it then." He said.

I smiled.

"Gladly," I said.

Someone cleared their throat in the background and I turned around to see it was the man who was accompanying us with the Queen.

"Sorry to interrupt but if you love birds are done." He said.

I watched Tut narrowed his eyes, got off his horse and went towards the back of his horse so he could take the things off for the night.

I turned my attention to the boys and watched them doing the same thing.

"Krono's do you need help, my dear?" The Queen said to her son.

"No mother I'm fine and I am still mad at you." I heard Kronos said which caused my eyes to widen.

"Just because we are on this journey doesn't change the fact that you did some horrible things, horrible things to family and other people children," Kronos said and any other moment I would clap.

Applause him for calling out his mom, but the look Tut gave me told me to stay out of it, a look that simply translated to.

Mind your business.

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