Chapter 2 Oh Great!

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Chapter 2 oh great

When the guards rushed in, I avoided all eye contact; there was no way in hell I was going to stare at them.

"Yes our highness" one of the guards said.

"Search all the palace, look to see if my mother's servants are lurking around. If you find one bring them too and we will execute them." He said with such authority in his voice.

"Yes your highness!" all guards replied and left.

He turned and face me "It's seems like my step mother used magic to bring you here."

Wait... what did he just say?

He got up and I quickly looked away so I wouldn't stare at him, I couldn't stare at him. My innocent virgin eyes can't take that.

"Um what do you mean your step mother bought me here? Last time I check I fell my way here. Not sure it happened but there was no woman in sight.... Wait... I did hear a voice... It couldn't be." When I looked back up he had a long cloth wrapped around his hips. That was much better; I didn't understood what he meant at first.

"I do not understand, what do you mean your step mother did this?" I asked him, I felt a chill run through my body at the mentioned of his step mother. I didn't know why but I got a bad vibe from the mentioning of her and I've never met her before and for some reason. I didn't want too.

"I can't tell you... You wouldn't understand. No one will ever understand. I'm sorry you were brought in this situation. I'll try to get you back to your rightful place, but it can't be done this night, I'm sorry to say this. You will be here for a while."

He said looking at me, As soon as the last sentence left his mouth I rose out the water. "What do you mean; I'll be here for a while. I can't stay here. I have school; I have my mom whose probably worrying sick about me! I have a huge test coming up and you expect me to stay here?!"

I got out the bath and walked towards him with anger in my eyes. "You know what's going on! Why don't you get me home! I want to go home!" I stopped yelling when his whole demeanor changed. I froze, way to go Amla. You just yelled at Royalty, not even royalty now but an Ancient Egyptian king who you just met.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. It was very disrespectful. You weren't the one that brought me here. It isn't your fault, won't happen again your majesty." I said not looking in too his two different color eyes.

"If you were someone else I would have your head serve to me in a plate, I would have made sure that happened. But given your circumstances I could understand why you raise that squeaky voice of yours at me." He said walking away from me. I felt insulted and bit my tongue so I wouldn't say anything else, because like my mother I had a slick mouth.

"Tut I just want to return to my home..." I said and he stopped walking and turned around. He walked back towards me. "What is your name?" He asked me staring into my eyes. "Ah- Ma- La. My name is Amla."

"I never encountered anyone with that name, it's very unusual." He said while grabbing one of my curls. I flinched I didn't expect that. He just said my name was unusual. Ha well thanks a lot mom, he and everyone else thinks that.

"Well Mala, I know you want to return home but that can't be done right now, I believe, No I know my step mother brought you here. So that means she has something in planned. You being here instead of where she is means that her plans were ruined. Something went wrong, My step mother is planning something and I need to find out what it is."

I listened to everything he said and nodded, did he just call me Mala? I told him my name was Amla. Go figured he probably forgot my name and went with what felt right to him.

There was a knock.


The Guards came in and threw a Man on the floor; he looked scared for his life.

"We found him sneaking around your highness; we believe he works for the Queen your majesty."

The man lift up his head and made direct eye contact with me, I froze.

This couldn't be true, what was he doing here. I walked towards the man and I heard Tut yelling at me to step back but I just kept on walking. then I noticed the guards raising their swords but I walked towards the man on the floor and bend down. Staring at him directly in the eyes. I raised my hand to touch his face but dropped it... why was he here..

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?"

*Kassandra Speaks*


but yeah what the heck is going on? :) Anyways the next chapter is looking pretty good!

This chapter is dedicated to Chocolate_Essence. Hope you guy's enjoyed this! check out my other stories! Also check out my youtube channel

xoxox- Kassandra vivu

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