CH. 67 "My mother could be dead."

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CH. 67 "My mother could be dead."


My father was an evil person that was proven not only to me but to his children, and to the people, he either has forced to be his spouse or needed to be his spouse for protection.

This man is cruel. He was never right and could never be good, see if you were someone that needed help. You had a better chance of asking a demon or devil for help instead of asking my father.

Suppose he could do what he did to his nephew if he could do what he did to my mother and me. There was nothing he wouldn't do. Which was why I came and asked my cousin for help. I don't want anything to happen to Mala. I can't have anything happen to her.

I should have done all I could to keep Mala from being seen by others, but knowing that wouldn't even help. My father always know things, they're people who report to them and truthfully I can't be mad at those people.

I don't know if they're reporting to him because he has something against them, either he's taken their family, love one or something else, or he owns their lives. So who am I to judge those people, it might be against their will.

I knew it would be hard to ask my cousin for help; the truth was. I feel like I let him down, but my mother. My mother was a sensitive topic for me, and my greatest enemy knew that. My greatest enemy being my father used my mother against me.

The evil bastard could play many cards, he could simply have my mother alive and held captive this whole time, or he could have had her dead and just didn't bother even letting it be known. Either way, he's evil and cruel.

"Tut?" Mala's voice said.

I turned my attention to face her; she was looking at me with a concerned facial expression.

"Yes?" I answered her, trying my best to put on a smile.

"Don't force a smile with me; you're bothered." She said.

It was true; I was bothered. I know my cousin didn't mean any harm, but anything regarding not knowing what happened to my mother could ruin my mood instantly.

"Talk to me," Mala said next to me, we weren't at my cousin anymore. We had gathered our allies; we had help from all my brothers, my cousin, the women my father was married to, and even the people my father had betrayed. We were getting help from my men and getting help from the people of the underground city, they were going to give us things that can help but would remain hidden, which we all know is best.

Mala and I were back in my room; we were in bed together. Just merely lying down, my head was lying on her chest, and this woman had no idea how vulnerable I always am with her. I couldn't let my father do anything to her because if anything were to happen to Mala, that would be the end of me, and I have a feeling my father knows this.

"What do you want me to talk to you about love?" I asked her, looking up at her.

"What's on your mind?" She asked me.

"Lots of things," I said, it was true, there were many things on my mind.

"That's fine, you can tell me them," Mala said.

If it were anyone else, I wouldn't even bother, but because it's Mala. I told her what was on my mind.

I told her how not knowing if my mother was alive or held captive by my father bothered me. I told her that if my mother was alive that she is most likely harm by my father and that makes me angry, I told her if my mother was dead, that I being her child had no way of knowing how she died or where her body as if she ever had a proper ceremony.

Throughout the whole time of me telling Mala these things, she was rubbing my back, and I didn't know I was crying.

I King Tut was crying in front of someone.

"It's okay, Tut, let it out," Mala said.

"It just hurts, I just don't know what happened to her and I feel powerless," I said, I felt Mala arms tightened around me.

"I just don't understand how someone like that can be so cruel to their sibling, to their sister and then to their child. I'm sure my mom didn't want to birth a child by their brother, but she still loved me. She always protected me and kept me safe." I said.

"He'll pay for all of this, Tut, he'll pay," Mala said, and I raised myself to look at her.

"You have to promise me that you'll come back to me, Mala. I allow you to have plans, but this is putting you in actual conflict, and you have to promise me. That you will come back to me." I said to her.

I watch Mala's eyes widened, and she nodded her head.

"I'll always come back to you, love." She said to me, and I know she was truthful. I just hope she does each time.

Mala is the type of woman that you could never stop from doing something right.

"Okay," I said.

"We'll end him, Tut; we will." She said, and I nodded my head, not knowing what else to say.

"I've gotten word that he's coming tomorrow. I'm sure of it that you're going to be abducted tomorrow." I said as I sat next to her.

"That's what he did with my cousin, and I know he's going to go the same route with you, he's going to have someone take you. The person will either dose you up with something or use something else I'm not sure." I told her, and Mala nodded her head.

"Mala, don't let him touch you," I said, the words settle in, and she nodded her head, knowing what I meant by that.

"I won't; I'll fight as hard as I can." She said, and I was still worried.

"Hopefully, we'll be almost there when he tries to, hopefully, you'll be able to kill him as well," I said, and she nodded her head again.

"When he tries to, that's when I'll kill him," Mala said, and I nodded my head.

"Okay, this is what I think is going to happen tomorrow," I said, telling Mala what I believe will be happening tomorrow.

She was nodding her head, asking questions, and getting familiar with what I told her.

This was something that she needed to know, not only to prepare herself but to be ahead of them. Knowing this would put her forward.

My father thought he was untouchable so he had no problem sometimes using the same plan; this is something that was going to backfire on him.

He's not going to win anymore.

I believe in Mala's abilities; my father must have thought that Mala is like the others.

No, she's different. She's going to have a hand with ending him, and he's not going to expect it.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

I mean, I'm sure we are all ready for the father to die. I don't even like calling him a father because he isn't one more like a sperm donor. Tut's father is a horrible man who's done a lot of awful things, and Amala is going to find out how terrible he is, as in the number of horrible things he's done and more.

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-Kassandra Vivu

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