CH. 60 What just happened?

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CH. 60 What just happened?

(Amala POV)

While I first started talking to my mom, Tut was in the room with me, and I guess he left to give us privacy. I noticed before he left, he said something to Phora, and I saw Phora became alert to what he said.

It amazed me how will Phora was at taking orders.

When talked left the room, I continued the conversation with my mother.

I didn't even know my mother had place condoms in my school bag, if I knew, of course, I would have used them. I knew how to use them from class and the fact that my mother had the sex talk with me.

She also had other talks with me, such as how to be careful around certain people, how to watch out for scary people who were looking to harm me, and other discussions.

I appreciate my mother teaching me the things she taught me; it helped shaped me into the person I was today.

"Your grandmother is helping me, and we are almost done with figuring this out. I would also suggest that you also ask the person who dragged you there with ways of coming back. I can work with your grandmother on how to send a Plan B in your time, so yes, Amala, we are going to use magic to do that." My mother said, causing me to let out a sigh.

It's not like I didn't believe in magic, far from that. It's just that it gets crazy with magic.

I finished talking to my mother, she told me not to worry and that she would make sure I get the Plan B pill today.

I ended the call, not wanting to waste my battery. Even though I had a sun solar charger, I was still conscious of still being to use my phone in this era. I wasn't going to question it.

I was just going to continue to be grateful that I was still able to use it.

I got off of the bed, and Phora's attention was on me.

"Watch the room, baby girl," I said to her, she leaned her head down.

Animals honestly understand us more than we think.

I walked out of the room, headed down the hallway, and my eyes widened when I noticed Tut, he wasn't alone in the hall.

I saw that Leo and Ramos were with him, but they weren't just the only ones who were with him.

A man was there as well with guards; by the way, he was standing, I could tell he was part of the royal family.

Not only that, by the way, Tut body language look.

He was not comfortable.

When Tut turned to look at me, anger was on his face, but it wasn't directed to me.

This man must be Tut's father.

As I approached them, I felt the man staring at me. I didn't like the way he was staring at me, and I didn't like the vibe I got from him either.

I stood next to Tut.

"Hello, your highness," I said to Tut's father.

I was right, the vibe I got from him and all those things he said while he spoke made my skin crawl he was disgusting and the fact that we were just threatened.

The fact that he thought he could have his way with me disgusting.

Tut continued watching his father back, with his guards following along until his father turned on the other side of the hall.

Tut immediately turned to look at me.

The look that crossed his face was a look of worry and anger.

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